Fashion Magazine

Queen of Stripes

By Chineze @uhmayzinginez
Queen of StripesI love stripes. They are chic and never fail to elevate a look. Best of all they are not tricky to wear. Stripes can be worn as a top or bottom and they pair beautifully with color blocks or floral patterns. If you are a regular reader of MSW you'd know that I never fail to combine stripes with floral, but even that is now basic for me so I needed something new, something refreshing in the stripe department hence this combination of erratic stripes. I've been asked a second time to bring back the creative writing of last year. It brings a warmth to my heart to know it was missed. Thank you. I'd hoped to go lighter this year for my readers who prefer to only talk fashion, style, clothes and products, but I'll see how I could fit the quotes and creative writing into this new year for those who miss it. :-D 
Queen of Stripes
Queen of Stripes
Queen of StripesNew Look shoes / self-made skirt / Queen of Stripes

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