I'm doing the A to Z Challenge in April using the theme "What to Pack on Your Creative Journey." Today, we'll add a little quirkiness to our metaphorical suitcase.
There is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. ~Martha Graham, The Life and Work of Martha Graham by Agnes de Mille (1991)
Pack your quirkiness on every creative journey you take. Society has a way of making us feel bad about our own weirdness. But, that's an illusion, because your audience will appreciate your authentic expression more than any technical skill that you bring to your project.
Our quirks are the things that make us different and interesting. The imperfections are what make our creative work relatable. Otherwise, our audience might as well be looking at computer-generated art.
Here are two examples of quirkiness that inspired me recently:
Matt Thomspon, a woodworker, makes ridiculous inventions - a couple of which have been acquired by a children's museum.
An anonymous woman made a YouTube channel at the intersection of Best Actress awards, film history, and feminism: Be Kind Rewind.
What weird and wonderful thing makes your heart sing?

About Joy Weese Moll
a librarian writing about books