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Pumpkins and Gourds

By Vsudarsan
What are you planning to do with the pumpkins and gourds this year? Well, if you are not sure.. I've a blog page filled with unique ways to decorate your home with these kooky vegetables. I stumbled upon a few amazing DIY's and most of them seem doable.. Will you create a teddy bear, pumpkin family, or spray paint gourds and pumpkins? Which one is your favorite? Look forward to hearing from you!
Decorating with Pumpkins and Gourds  - Teddy Bearvia: parents.com
Decorating with Pumpkins and Gourds Candlesvia: celebrations.comSucclulent Plantsvia: thehousethatlarsbuilt.com
Hanging Plants in Pumpkinvia: decor4allDecorating with Pumpkins and Gourds via: pinterestDecorating with Pumpkins and Gourdsvia: northdelawhere.happeningmag.comDecorating with Pumpkins and Gourds via: sheknows Pumpkins and Gourds decorvia: tipatipa.net Pumpkins and Gourds decorvia: goodhousekeepingSpray painting Gourdsvia: inspiredbycharm

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