Culture Magazine

PUDDLE Q and A with Jane Easterly

By Ashley Brooke, Kewpie83 @KewpieDoll83

For the past two years, Barbee0913 and I have attended PUDDLE, a convention that celebrates Pullips and family.  It’s held yearly in Illinois and is a great way to meet other Pullip collectors.

Jane Easterly is one of the coordinators of PUDDLE. Jane was kind enough to answer a few questions for this little blog.

Question: Tell us a bit about yourself. How long have you been collecting? What brought you into the doll collecting hobby?
Answer: I have loved dolls since I was a kid. I have most of my childhood dolls, still in good shape although I played with them a lot. My first major purchase in life was Barbie’s British friend Stacey when I was in grade school!

Question: What kind of dolls do you focus on? What drew you to that particular kind of doll (or kinds of dolls)?
Answer: I used to collect Barbie mainly, but since I discovered Dal doll she is my focus (although unfortunately there have not been many Dal releases the last two years). I saw Hina Ichigo Dal in Haute Doll magazine and just flipped for her. I love that serious face – it makes her look like she is always thinking about something. I also like Dal’s age, 13. Still a kid, but growing up. She reminds me of my own childhood. I do also have a few BJDs, a few Monster High, and a few antique dolls.

Photo Credit: Jane

Photo Credit: Jane

Question: How did PUDDLE come about? Can you share its origin story with us?
Answer: I love Dal doll so much that I wanted to meet more fans and share my love for her. I knew I could not start a convention for Dal alone, and I like Pullip and friends also, so I started PUDDLE in 2008. The first one was very informal. I picked a date and put out a call on various doll forums. About 35 people attended, from as far away as Minnesota , Indiana , and Ohio , and I could tell there was enough enthusiasm to hold another one.

Question: What goes into planning a convention like PUDDLE? Give us an idea of the process you go through when planning an event of its scale.
Answer: It’s a lot of work! I have to be very organized. Even though the registration fee is low, I take very seriously that people are paying to attend. I have to update the website, reserve the meeting and guest rooms at the event hotel, publicize the event, encourage people to register, solicit donations, keep track of who has paid and who has not, and lots more. Soliciting donations and thanking the donors is really important. Fortunately as the event has grown, so has the number of people helping in various ways. Babelglyph/Crayola Bolger is now the co-coordinator.

Dolls, Sept 2015, Coverage

Dolls, Sept 2015, Coverage

Question: What is the aim of PUDDLE?
Answer: The goal of PUDDLE is to share our love for Pullip, Dal, Taeyang, Isul, and other Groove dolls and to have fun.

Question: Who attends PUDDLE? What should attendees expect during PUDDLE?
Answer: People who really love Pullip attend PUDDLE! We have women and men, girls and boys, old and young. People come alone or with friends, parents come with children – last year we had a father and son. The best way to know what to expect is to visit We have contests, vendors, icebreakers, and lots of socializing. We have not yet had a workshop or panel, but if someone volunteers we’d love to include one.

Question: Are non-Pullip and family dolls allowed to attend the event?
Answer: Yep, all dolls are welcome at PUDDLE. We love dolls, and it’s the rare doll collector who collects only one type of doll. We love to see example of other dolls, like Blythes and BJDs, and of custom dolls of all kinds. One event, the dress-like-your-doll costume parade, can be entered with any kind of doll. Other contests are reserved for dolls from Groove.

Question: What’s the difference between PUDDLE and smaller fan meet ups?
Answer: One of the great things about PUDDLE is how many people attend – over 100 last year – and from how far away. We’ve had people from Canada , California , Florida , Louisiana , New York . We also have events on Friday from those who arrive early, and we party late into the night on Saturday, so it’s really a Pullip-intensive weekend. It’s also a great chance to buy dolls, outfits, wigs, bodies, and accessories. Seller Shifty Lizard brings two tables’ worth of dolls, and it’s fun just to see all those new dolls in one place!

2016 Theme

2016 Theme

Question: Can you tell us anything about PUDDLE 2016? Do you have a theme?
Answer: PUDDLE 2016 will take place on June 4, at the Holiday Inn Chicago-Elk Grove once again. In honor of Star Trek’s 50th anniversary, the theme is Space: The Final Frontier, but the theme is very broad. Space, space travel, astronauts, science fiction, the planets, and fandoms like Star Trek, Star Wars, Doctor Who, and Sailor Moon.

Question: How does registration work for PUDDLE 2016?
Answer: Registration is open now!

Question: Where can readers go to find out more information on PUDDLE?
Answer: The best place to start is You can also visit us on Facebook and Flickr. If anyone would like to receive email updates, you can email me at jane_easterly(AT)hotmail(DOT)com.

So, now that you’ve heard a little about PUDDLE, join in on the fun! If all goes well, I will be attending 2016’s convention.  You should, too! If you have other questions, feel free to leave them in the comment area or email Jane at the address above.

Have you attended PUDDLE? What did you think of the event? Share your thoughts below!

September 16, 2015. Tags: convention, conventions, pullip. Articles and Doll Histories, Uncategorized.

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