Hair & Beauty Magazine

PROJECT: Life Overhaul – 101 Things to Do in 1001 Days

By Reeseatomic @reeseatomic
PROJECT: Life Overhaul – 101 things to do in 1001 days


If you haven’t heard of this before, the general idea is to make a list of 101 things to-do; achievable goals to do in 1001 days.

I find that it’s better to have something like this instead of “New Year’s Resolutions” that rarely get done. At this way, you have 1001 days to do so – which turns out to be something around three years to accomplish.

This has been my list since Decemeber 2010 and this is list will conclude by the end of August 2013.

001. Take up a French class.
002. Finish a series of books.
003. Make my DVD collection hit 300.
004. Save for a deposit for a house.
005. Reach my goal weight.
006. Pay off my credit card.
007. Slim down to a small 10.
008. Get electrolysis.
009. Buy another cat.
010. Move in with a boy.
011. Move back to Sydney.
012. Fall in love.
013. Buy an ipod.
014. Eat an apple a day. (51/100)
015. Watch a movie saga I don’t like.
016. Listen to French music for one whole day.
017. Buy a car.
018. Design a t-shirt and shoes.
019. Get engaged.
020. Get married vegas.
021. Go on a honeymoon.
022. Celebrate New Year in a different timezone.
023. Go on a sushi diet.
024. Buy a hammock.
025. Kiss in the rain.
026. Learn to cook a roast dinner.
027. Enjoy one Christmas.
028. Start my own family traditions.
029. Frame photos.
030. Get more tattoos done.
031. Feed pink flamingos.
032. Visit somewhere in Asia.
033. Go on a roadtrip.
034. Climb the Harbour Bridge.
035. Go camping.
036. See a fashion show.
037. Detox.
038. Buy a Nintendo Wii.
039. Meet a tiger.
040. Finish writing my book.
041. See a live band play.
042. Have a picnic.
043. Watch an opera.
044. Sleep under the stars.
045. Do high tea.
046. Have a BBQ by the beach.
047. Finish one of my writing/art journals.
048. Paint/photograph a series of artworks.
049. Get at least 8 hours sleep a night. (82/100)
050. Try a different hairstyle.
051. Catch up with a boy from the past.
052. Grow a garden.
053. Eat vegetables every night for a week.
054. Go to a jazz club.
055. See a comedy show.
056. Go to open range zoo.
057. Spend a weekend at a farm.
058. Go fishing.
058. Get more tattoos.
059. Sit in the park watching the clouds for an afternoon.
060. Eat ice-cream on the beach.
061. Take poloroids.
062. Donate my old clothes.
063. Wear no makeup for one day.
064. Spend the day at the beach til the sun sets.
065. Sit on the deck of a boat in the middle of Sydney Harbour.
066. Have Doyle’s for breakfast.
067. Bake a Donna Gay cake.
068. Listen to instrumental music for an entire day.
069. Spend an entire day in bed with a boy.
070. Watch a movie marathon.
071. Make something for a loved one.
072. Stay off Facebook for an entire week.
073. Share a Christmas with another family.
074. Write all day. (7/100)
075. Swap keys with a boy.
076. Go to Mardi Gras.
077. Start a new blog.
078. Spend an afternoon in the ocean.
079. Eat at Bondi Icebergs.
080. Listen to a childhood group all day.
081. Lay in a spa with some champagne.
082. Spend a night in a nice hotel.
083. Start a cosmetic brand.
084. Eat organic for an entire week.
085. Spend all day in bed with a boy.
086. Start wearing size 10 again.
087. Go one day without my phone.
088. Read at least one book a month.
089. Go to a football game.
090. Be a tourist in my own city for a day.
091. Meet one friend from overseas.
092. Spend a day in an art gallery.
093. Go on a lady picnic.
094. Learn about my family history.
095. Pamper myself for one whole day.
096. Spending ban for one month.
097. Have a girls night in.
098. Have dinner with my BFF.
099. Dye my hair pink.
100. Feed wild cockatoos.
101. Hold a Koala.

What would be on your list?

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