After posting daily Project 365 photographs I decided to cut back and produce weekly posts as a sum up of my week, with a picture being taken each day of course. And here is weekly round up numero uno! As you can see the photo quality has been given a big boost with my fab new camera (Fujifilm Finepix JV250) which I will make a separate post about as it has just surprised me so much, although maybe that's not so difficult when I compare to my fuzzy old Samsung. Anyway, I love it, and here is what I got up to this week..
Attempting to tidy my box of nail polishes · A little bit of Instgramming on a rainy bus journey home from university · Some blog sale purchases · Lucas' long awaited return to OTH (wish he would sort the mop though) · My 20th birthday! · Birthday pressies part two · Back to studying for me (zzzz)
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