Diaries Magazine


By Babyjandbean
This past week, Bean has made a lot of progress in a lot of ways. One characteristic of young children with Williams Syndrome is that they have feeding difficulties and trouble with texture. Bean is not an exception. He is still eating smooth pureed foods. We recently started introducing some more texture with limited success and then he got sick and that went out the window. So, we decided to try for some more variety of flavors. We had tried this several times with no success but I guess he was ready this week. All week, Bean has been eating the same things we have been eating for dinner - just pureed smoothly - and he has been loving it. This week, he enjoyed pot roast, chicken and rice casserole and meatloaf, mashed potatoes and green beans. It's been great because he is getting lots of protein and veggies that he has refused for so long. I'm hoping that the added nutrition and calories will translate to developmental progress and physical growth.
I also got brave and decided to try puffs again. For anyone that is interested, Plum Organics and Happy Baby Foods make great, easily dissolvable gluten free puffs. Given Bean's recent regression with texture, I didn't really have any hope that he would tolerate the puffs. Imagine my surprise and pure delight that he not only tolerated them, but he couldn't get enough. For the first time ever, no gagging. No coughing. No vomiting. He managed to pick them up with a combination of palm grasp and budding pincer grasp. This is huge for him. Really, truly monumental progress. This is the child that gags when you touch his cheek with a piece of solid food and here he is eating pieces of cereal. He was almost as proud of himself as I was of him! I ran out and bought three new flavors so that he doesn't get bored and he really seems to be enjoying them.
Bean also had a fantastic developmental therapy session. He was playing a turn-taking game with his brother and the therapist was working on the sign for "my turn." Bean didn't do the sign but he did repeatedly say "mah" as if he was saying "mine" at the appropriate time. For a child that is not yet verbal, this is remarkable. He also consistently gave the sign for "more" in a variety of circumstances. His communication was consistent. It was appropriate. It was deliberate and there was no mistaking his intent.
Baby J also made progress this week. He was in a much better mood yesterday. Also, you might remember me mentioning that he really misbehaves when the developmental therapist is here. He has just really had a hard time with her and I don't know why. Last week, he actually told her to, "Go away. I don't like you anymore." Seriously. I could have died. Thanks, bud, for making me look like the worst mom ever in front of the behavioral expert. Geesh!  He did great today, though. He spent part of the session watching a dvd on his player and the rest playing turn-taking games with his brother and the therapist. He played nicely and didn't fight over wanting all the turns for himself. Not one nasty word escaped his mouth, thank goodness. And speaking of nasty, Baby J accomplished a certain unmentionable task related to potty training this week. We threw a huge dance party and he got to call all his favorite people to share the news. Husband and I couldn't be more proud of our biggest little boy!
After therapy, we got lunch and I was looking forward to settling in for an afternoon nap. I was exhausted from a long week of doctor appointments and therapy sessions and the kids were beyond tired. That was not to be. While the boys were eating, I called to schedule Bean's opthamology appointment. Our options were June or a cancellation that had come up yesterday afternoon. So, off to the opthamologist we went.
Bean slept in the car. Baby J did not. I usually try to avoid appointments when I don't have a sitter or help with Baby J because Bean is such a handful at the doctor. The appointment went well, though. Bean did pretty well. He fussed a bit but he didn't have a real meltdown. He is slightly far sighted but not enough to need glasses. At least for now. Baby J did great. He sat, played with my phone and sang to Bean when he needed to be soothed.
I am amazed by all that we accomplished this week. We had appointments with cardiology, the CP clinic and opthamology and endless therapy appointments. On top of that, my kids made amazing developmental and behavioral progress. If Bean continues this way, he will surely overcome some of the hurdles that have been holding him back. Happy Weekend!

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