1- Bare Minerals Exfoliating Treatment Cleanser: I have a LOT of history with this product and I absolutely love it. I have an oily-combination skin type and I always have the problem of a face cleanser either, 1- stripping my skin of its essential oils and giving me that "squeaky clean" feeling (which isn't good!) or, 2- being too harsh on my skin which results in redness and even more texture than what I started with. And I by no means have sensitive skin. When it comes to sensitivity, I'm pretty normal. I get the occasional break out and I have redness just like every one else.
So why do I LOVE this product?It has colloidal oatmeal which gently exfoliates your skin so I love using this product as a creamy cleanser at night to get rid of all the residue on my face from my cosmetics and outside elements. While it exfoliates it doesn't strip your skin of its essential oils, it actually helps replenish moisture. Even though I am oily, I WANT and NEED moisture in order to keep my oils balanced and eliminate breakouts. The more hydration I have, the better. You should definitely give this product a try!{I use this product at night as a creamy cleanser and once or twice a week as a mask in the shower!}2- Fresh Soy Face Cleanser: This is a new product to my skincare regimen and I am hooked. Well, at least for now. I use this product in the am right after I get out of bed to rinse my skin of any excess oil produced over night as well as remove anything that may be on my skin from my pillow and hair, etc... I also use this product at night to remove all my makeup! (PM: once all my makeup is removed by the Soy Face Cleanser I exfoliate with the BM Exfoliating Treatment Cleanser). So why do I LOVE this product?It strips all my makeup off of my skin (even the heavy duty stuff) while still being extremely gentle on my skin and is even gentle enough for the eye area. My skin feels super fresh, hydrated, clean, and "plump" after I wash my face and I love that feeling because finding a good balance with oily skin is a tough one. Its very soothing and even my boyfriend likes it! This product is also fragrance free. Check out the Key Ingredients in the link above!3- Philosophy Amazing Grace Shampoo, Bath & Shower Gel: Honestly, what's not to love about a product that makes you smell amazingly graceful? Mmm hmm. I love the way Amazing Grace leaves the faintest scent of femininity in your hair and on your skin. I always shampoo my hair with my regular products but then I follow it up with a small amount of this product in my hair. Last night I went to bed with wet hair and woke up to the most delicious smelling locks in the world. Yes boyfriend, you DO want to snuggle with me. Thank you Amazing Grace.Meet the Fashion Favorites

How in the world could I have passed these two beautiful items up? Seriously. I had a Meet and Greet/Interview yesterday that went really well (I think) but I am always so anxiety ridden after such things that I trotted off over to H&M to free my thoughts and get inspired. I of course spent a few dollars I probably shouldn't have but not to worry, this girl is taking it easy for a while.The Fashion1- Silk Baby Blue Blouse2- Black Modern Audrey Hepburn Sunglasses {at least that's what I'm calling them!}I wore this blouse yesterday to my first day of my Advanced Makeup Course and I do have to say, it has stolen my heart. Sorry other blouses chillin in the closet right now. I promise I'll still wear you. I love the way the lines of the blouse draw your eye in so many different directions while the color calms you. Way to play with our emotions blouse. The glasses... oh I've been dying for a pair of huge lovely frames. These deliver.