Athletics Magazine

Pro Earth Run 2015 - Run the Race for Mother Earth

By Runningatom
In its Global Climate Risk Index 2015, Germanwatch listed the Philippines as one of the countries most affected by extreme weather events in 2013.
It also reconfirmed that "less developed countries are generally more affected [by extreme weather] than industrialized countries, and forewarned that “if mitigation efforts are not immediately taken, the world will continue heading down the path towards dangerous climate change.”
Is it a downward spiral from here? Prayerfully, NO.
“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step,” said Chinese Philosopher Lao-tzu. So is the race to protect, respect, and oversee care for Mother Earth.
To increase awareness on environmental responsibility and raise funds for Earth Day Network Philippines' (the local counterpart of Earth Day Network International) continuing projects and programs, the PRO Earth Run will be held on 25 April 2015, 4:30 AM at the Mall of Asia Grounds.
Pro Earth Run 2015 - Run the Race for Mother Earth
Let's all run the race for Mother Earth! Read more details about this event:

Pro Earth Run 2015 - Protect, Respect, Oversee Earth Care
25 April 2015, 4:30 AM
SM Mall of Asia, Pasay City
Continuing environmental projects and eco-social initiatives of Earth Day Network Philippines

Assembly Time: 4:30 AM

  • 10K - TBA
  • 5K - TBA
  • 3K - TBA

Distance Category and Registration Fees:
  • 3K - Php 750.00
  • 5K - Php 750.00
  • 10K - Php 750.00

Registration Sites:
  • 1Online Registration via Credit Card
  • 1SM Tickets
  • 1,2Registration Payment via Bank Deposit:
  • Bank/Branch: BDO/Pasay Road
    Account Name: Voyager Innovations, Inc.
    Account No: 000388029441
    Currency: PHP
    Account Type: Current Account
1If you avail of the race kit delivery option (standard courier service fee applies), Race Kit delivery will start on April 1 to 15. If you opt to pick-up your race kit, Race Kit redemption will be on April 17 to 19 at designated partner sports stores, to be announced soon.
2Settle your payment of order within 3 days, excluding Saturday and Sunday. Once the deposit is completed, kindly email a copy of your deposit slip to If payment is not made within 3 days, your order/s will be cancelled.

Event Jersey/Singlet Design
Pro Earth Run 2015 - Run the Race for Mother Earth
Participant's Memorabilia/Token
Pro Earth Run 2015 - Run the Race for Mother Earth
Route Map
Pro Earth Run 2015 - Run the Race for Mother Earth
You may visit the Earth Day Philippines for more details and further race updates. Earth 2015 Race Mother Earth 2015 Race Mother Earth 2015 Race Mother Earth 2015 Race Mother Earth 2015 Race Mother

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