How far along? 38 weeks, eek! Total weight gain/measurements: I don't weigh myself but judging by my fat face, a lot! Eeek! Maternity clothes: Pyjamas ;) Stretch marks? Still no new ones I don't think.. I have a weird 'mark' above my belly button but it's just like a red dot not a line like a stretch mark. Best moment this week: I had a midwife appointment on Wednesday so got to hear her heartbeat which was nice! But I was also told me she has moved back to back so that explains all my back ache! Miss anything? Just not being pregnant and not having back ache everyday! haha! Movement: Still crazy!
Food cravings: Nothing in particular!
Anything making you queasy or sick? Yes for some reason morning nausea has come back.. nooooo! Gender: GIRL!!! Labour signs: Soo much lightening pain, period pain and backache pretty much all the time! Symptoms: Weeing lots, back ache, heartburn, really sore SPD, LOTS of lightning crotch, pregnancy insomnia, tiredness, nausea.. all of them! Belly button in or out? Pretty much out I think! Wedding rings on or off? Engagement ring still on just about. Happy or moody most of the time? A bit moody as I feel so crappy.. I'm so done being pregnant and having all this backache! Looking forward to: Going into labor and meeting her! I'm so ready now!
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