How far along? 25 weeks!! Total weight gain/measurements: I don't weigh myself! Maternity clothes: I have some new maternity jeans from Seraphine. They are the Over-bump ripped skinny jeans and they are amazing!! The over the bump band is so comfortable (but I still have enough room to grow) and I just think they look so nice. I'm a big fan of ripped jeans all year round so I was so happy when I found a maternity version! These are definitely must haves for me now.. much more stylish and comfortable than my Topshop maternity jeans... these have basically been made redundant now haha!
Here's some pictures of them on... I am living in them!

Stretch marks? No new ones still. Best moment this week: Starting to get inspiration for her nursery and writing a list of what we need. Miss anything? Not much this week! Movement: All the time! Rolls and kicks :) Food cravings: None, eating really healthy at last for the most part although I have had a cold for nearly a week and it won't shift so its making me crave more comfort/bad foods!
Anything making you queasy or sick? NopeGender: GIRL!!!
Labour signs: Nope! Symptoms: I have had some heartburn so been drinking Gaviscon from the bottle! Also a bit of backache creeping in this week and a headache for a few days but that might be related to my cold more than the pregnancy. Belly button in or out? In Wedding rings on or off? Engagement ring on Happy or moody most of the time? Happy, happy, happy! but also really tired! Looking forward to: Booking our 4d scan!
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