Hair & Beauty Magazine

Pregnancy | 15 Week Update with Baby #2

By Livedwithlove @kerrymarie
Pregnancy | 15 week update with baby #2
How far along? 15 weeks exactly Total weight gain/measurements: I don't weigh myself! Maternity clothes: My Topshop maternity jeans have arrived and I have been living in them! They fit so well (I got the size 8) but I still have room to grow into them. I don't know how I lived without maternity jeans last time!  Stretch marks? No new ones! Still using the Palmer's stretch mark products and loving them. Best moment this week: Finally being 15 weeks and still feeling the movement, this is officially my second longest pregnancy! Keep growing baby!
Miss anything? I have started to miss coffee this week, really craving the taste and the caffeine! Although I have more energy in my body to do things..  I still don't really feel 'awake' at all :(  Movement: Definitely feeling the flutters more and I swear I have felt a few little 'kicks' rather than just the flutters. Food cravings: I seem to be loving sandwiches at the moment. All I want is a sandwich and crisps for every meal!
Anything making you queasy or sick?
 Not too much, I have been managing to get more fruit & veg in, yay! Gender: No idea! I keep going back and forth. Labour signs: Nope! Symptoms: They have all died down a little bit apart from my headaches, sore boobs and some pelvic/back soreness. Belly button in or out? In Wedding rings on or off? Engagement ring on Happy or moody most of the time? Much happier generally but a bit snappy, little things have really started annoying me way more than they should! Looking forward to: Still our 16 week appointment and (hopefully) hearing baby's heartbeat! Pregnancy | 15 week update with baby #2
This isn't the most flattering picture of me but I thought it was so cute! Sienna said she had to photo her tummy too as she is growing a pretend baby ;)
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