Business Magazine

Practice Your Responses Before the Interview

Posted on the 18 November 2011 by Interactive Portfolio @IntPortfolio

Practice Your Responses Before the Interview

One of the most common issues that affect candidates during the interview process is the inability to effectively market their skills. While most know the basics; like the importance of professional attire, timeliness, and having extra copies of your resume on hand; few people take the time to prepare for the actual interview dialogue. If you’ve been fortunate enough to make it to this phase of the hiring process, then it’s probably safe to assume that you are already considered a strong contender for the position. So, ensure that you come prepared and use it as an opportunity to highlight your skills, showcase your personality, and prove why you are the best fit for the job.

The decision to hire a candidate is based on a variety of factors and in today’s market simply having a strong resume is not enough. Recruiters are seeking candidates who are engaging, enthusiastic, smart, and personable. However, no matter how confident or personable you may be, stumbling over your answers and struggling through the interview is one of the best ways to rule yourself out for an otherwise perfect fit.  Not only will it be obvious that you are unprepared, but it can also cause an employer to doubt your competency.  Practicing your responses in advance will give you the opportunity to organize your thoughts and improve your delivery.

Knowing your own strengths and weaknesses is the best way to convince an employer that you are both confident in your own abilities and able to translate what you know into what they need. Your professional background is not the only thing that matters; the ability to market yourself is key.

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