
I think I have lost a bit of weight (not sure I don't weigh myself) but I have started watching what I eat a bit more and I have started doing this workout which is really easy and low impact. It still made me sweat though.. my fitness has definitely gone! My bleeding is still there slightly but it isn't too bad. Emotionally it's been tough this week but mainly due to stress I think.. just trying to fit everything in. I have explained more about it in my video on my YouTube channel! I think this will be my last 'postpartum' update as apart from losing weight, everything else is pretty much back to normal!

I'm not sure how much Aria weighs, but I'm guessing well into the 9lbs now, you can see her face is getting a bit more chubby hehe! She is pretty much in 0-3 month baby grows now as she is super long when she stretches out!

She is awake and alert a bit more now which is nice, we can't wait for some smiles in the next couple of weeks! I still think she is looking more and more like me everyday.. she definitely looks more like me than Sienna does anyway!

She loves music and noise, if you put the hairdryer, hoover or just some music on she loves it and will usually quieten down if she's crying.. unless she is really hungry, then nothing can stop her haha! She led in her cot for the first time the other day as I packed her clothes away and I put the mobile on for her, she loved it! I'm hoping she will get used to the music so when she goes into her own room at 6 months, she will be used to it and it will help her sleep.

Last weekend, she had her first trip to the farm! Warren's Uncle has his own little farm so we took the girls as Sienna loves it there! They got to meet the new baby lambs, so cute! Now she is getting older, I'm getting more confident with the breastfeeding in public, so hoping to take her on more days out and start building these memories with our girls! :)
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