Fashion Magazine

Posting Every Day in December Challenge

By Bethtinkerbell @TinksLostGirls


Hello folks,

As some of you may noticed I have posted everyday so far and it’s not just because of my advent presents. Toni tweeted about wanting to challenge herself to post everyday in December and wondered if anyone else would join her. Me and a couple of other bloggers were open to the challenge, and I will admit that I have it a little bit easier because for the first 24 days I do have something to post because of The Advent Present Project, but I will be doing normal posts when I find the time amongst getting ready for Christmas.

The other bloggers taking part are:

Toni -
Becky -
Steph -

So far it has been a great challenge this week and I’m looking forward to the next few weeks, to see what everyone posts.

Tink x

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