Culture Magazine

Possible Jeep Pick Up Coming Soon

By Vecie78 @NeverSayCool

Starting off as a concept in 2005, the Jeep Pickup was destined for the production line. Sadly, money problems at Chrysler meant that this highly sought after design never became a reality. What this has meant however is that the Jeep Pickup has become even more anticipated by the Jeep loving community.

Possible Jeep Pick Up Coming Soon

Whilst currently costing over 5000 pounds to get the tools to convert a Jeep into a pickup truck, until the Jeep Pickup becomes more than a concept, it is unlikely that this niche vehicle will be often seen on the road. Now planned for arrival in 2015, this brand new crossover car is, as the name suggests, is finally set to combine the famous Jeep design with that of a pickup truck.

Possible Jeep Pick Up Coming Soon

This will without a doubt prove to be a monumental challenge as expectations will undoubtedly be high and it is likely that it will come under close scrutiny from the multitudes of Jeep lovers out there, particularly with the many different options available to the Jeep manufacturers with regards to its design. The worry of course is that by concerning themselves mainly with style, that this will mean the Jeeps off-road capabilities will come under threat and on the other hand, if they worry too much about its off-road capabilities that they will produce an aesthetically unpleasing car which will then anger jeep enthusiasts.

Possible Jeep Pick Up Coming Soon

The main area of debate is whether to make the vehicle a two door or alternatively a four door. The four door would be the more practical option as it would allow for more people. As well as this it will also mean that it’s more comfortable, allowing for greater amounts of space for passengers.

Possible Jeep Pick Up Coming Soon

However, the bone for contention is that by making it a four door, they will be sacrificing it’s off road abilities and that is an issue that concerns Jeep the most. Jeep prides itself on these capabilities, so another possibility is using the Fiat platform rather than the Wrangler line. This is certainly a viable option, which should hopefully prevent Jeep from offending the Wrangler heads out there.

Possible Jeep Pick Up Coming Soon

Only time will tell which one they go for, until then, there are plenty of other options of pickup truck to choose from. Nonetheless, we here at Neversaycool are hoping that the Jeep pickup becomes a reality sooner rather than later.

Possible Jeep Pick Up Coming Soon


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