Food & Drink Magazine

Poppy Seed Cake with Cherries

By Rosvitha @RosvithaP

Poppy Seed Cake with Cherries

This is my first poppy seed cake ever. I was a skeptic about it’s tastiness, but I was wrong. Especially like this, cherry jelly in the middle of two layers of poppy seed cake and decorated with whipped cherry cream, totally unexpected, delicious dessert. This experiment was carefully watched by my other half…until it was served

Mmmm, delicious – he said, but poppy seeds bothered him afterwords

Poppy Seed Cake with Cherries

Ingredients for the cake

  • 6 eggs
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 1 cup of poppy seeds
  • 1 cup of flour
  • 6 tbsp of water

Poppy Seed Cake with Cherries

Method for baking the cake

Mix egg whites until firm and add sugar while mixing. Add egg yolks, water and poppy seeds with flour while slowly stirring (not to let the batter to fall). Pour the batter into the baking pan (11×13 inch) covered with baking paper and bake for approximately 20 minutes on 375 F degrees. Cut the cake in half and cream it with cherry jelly.

Poppy Seed Cake with Cherries
Make the Cherry Jelly

  • 2 cups of frozen cherries
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 1 vanilla flavored powder pudding

Put the cherries and sugar into the bowl and heat it until it starts boiling. Stir the pudding with a little water and cook the cherry jelly. Cool it down and cream it on the first half of the cake and cover it with another half of the cake.

Poppy Seed Cake with Cherries

Mix the cherry flavored whipped cream and top the cake with it. It came out like the most beautiful cake ever. So pink, so cherry flavored and those poppy seeds really look and taste amazing.

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