As a mother, I like to think of healthy (and fun) snack options for my 5 year old and for the family, because if we eat healthy, we instill healthy eating habits in our kids; which is a great goal to have. My daughter eats a snack and lunch at school, often we are challenged in what to send her as a snack. We have gone through the veggie and fruit options; carrots and ranch, fruit bags, you name it– she’s had it. Often she eats them, which is great, but after having had the same thing over and over a few weeks at a time, she’s become tired of it. Kids like junk food (as do adults!)– she’s a big fan of chips and cookies (and who can blame them?) cookies are often decorated with colorful icing, chips have yummy flavors like Bar-b-que, and the list goes on. But we would rather she (and we) ate healthy.
Popchips are a healthy, good for you snack, that you can dress up as a fun snack for school and at home– for the whole family to enjoy. Why are they healthier? They are un-fried, contain good high oelic oils (High oleic oil is high in unsaturated fat, low in saturated fat, and has no trans fat.) giving them all the flavor and half the fat!
Yet they are loaded with flavor!

And lucky for me, they have barbeque (my daughter’s favorite flavor)!

Learn more about these delicious snacks here
Some snack ideas:
Pick a popchip flavor, put some tomato sauce on top and sprinkle a little bit of cheese heat it up, and voila, you’ve got yourself (or your child) a mini pizza!

Sweet treats:
Popchip chocolate and marshmallow sandwich, quickly warmed up, for some almost campfire goodness!

Or simply send them to school as a yummy side to any sandwich.

Grab a bag and dig in!
This post is sponsored by Popchips, opinions are my own.