Hair & Beauty Magazine

Ponds Dreamflower Fragrant Talc Review

By Tmomw

Ponds Dreamflower Fragrant Talc Review

Hi Everyone,

Today I am going to review a talc from ponds called Ponds Dreamflower Fragrant Talc. This is the oldest talc available in market from Ponds. I have used this in my childhood but still can’t say if the fragrance is same or not but they have changed the packaging so many times. I have already reviewed Pond’s magic talc here and Pond’s Sandal radiance talc here links added your reference.

Product Claim:-

Ponds is a company that has been in the industry for a very long time, and has brought about a few changes in the age old Ponds Dream Flower Talc making it better and all the more attractive. Ponds Dream Flower Fragrant Talc is not the same dream flower talc sold in the 80s that is given now, but a better one taking into consideration the new needs and requirements of beauty. Ponds Dream Flower Fragrant Talc is designed to enhance beauty and provide smoother skin.

The talc is skin friendly, soft and soothing to give you the best effects on your skin. It has skin brightening vitamins and sunscreen that brighten up your skin by protecting it. As it is composed of ingredients that help give your skin a fairer complexion, it also protects you from the harmful UVA rays of the sun. The fragrance of the talc is alluring and gives the edge. This wonderful smelling talc has been the favorite of thousands and even today it has not lost any of its charm and beauty. Ponds Dream Flower Fragrant Talc brings out the best in you! Relax, refresh and renew your appearance with the all new Ponds Dream Flower Fragrant Talc.


INR 7 for 20gm

INR 65 for 100gm

INR 120 for 200gm

INR 175 for 400gm

Directions for Use:-

After a shower, dust this talc all over your body.

Spread it well and feel revived for the whole day



My opinion on the product:-

It comes in white cylindrical tube like packaging with twist open cap. The packaging is travel friendly and prevents any product wastage. You can control the flow of the product with the twist open cap. I am very fond of talc during winters rather than deodorants. This talc has lovely feminine soothing fragrance and smells like flowers. The fragrance is not overpowering but very mild and stays with me for 4-5 hours and then I need to reapply.

This is one of the talc which my mother have used in her childhood or may be my grandmother too, probably the oldest one available in the market. I like its flowery fragrance and how it keep me smelling fresh like flowers. 

Shade: The talc is white in color

Texture:  The texture is smooth and blends easily.

Fragrance: Fresh and soothing smell of flowers which is very feminine.

Staying power: The talc keeps me fresh and smelling like flowers for about 4-5 hours in light summer day.

Packaging:  The packaging is very convenient and travel friendly. It comes in cylindrical plastic bottle with twist open cap which has holes in it and you can control the flow easily. The outer cover is pink in color and has attractive graphics of flowers which makes it attractive.

What I Liked:-

  • Flowery smell
  • Smooth texture
  • Keeps me fresh for good 4-5 hours
  • Travel friendly packaging
  • Did not irritate my skin.
  • Comes in very small pack of 20 gm too, perfect for trial or handbags.

What I didn’t Liked:-

When the temperature is above 35 then this might not work.

Will I repurchase and recommend:-

I like the Magic variant more and maybe I will repurchase this (small pack) and would recommend this to everyone searching for mild fragrance talc.



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