Books Magazine

Podcast 15: Committing to Your Blog

By Steph's Scribe @stephverni

Podcast 15: Committing to Your Blog*

As authors, it’s important that we stay connected to our audiences. Blogging allows us to do just that. On a blog platform, we can connect with readers, showcase our work, and share other experiences that allow readers to get to know us. For all these reasons and more, it’s important to blog.

Today’s podcast covers just that. I welcome comments, suggestions, and feedback on today’s topic. I don’t claim to know everything about blogging, but I do know that I’ve been keeping up with Steph’s Scribe since 2011, and it’s become a part of me. I’d like to share my thoughts with you in today’s podcast.

Be well, all!



Podcast 15: Committing to Your Blog

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