In much the same way Adrian wanted to skip September we are now on to Adrian wanting to skip November. Pretty much every single day Adrian tells me it’s December. I’m sure you can guess why, Christmas of course. The kids argue over the toy catalogs that come in the mail. I have to admit they’re fun to look at. Not only does Adrian tell me it’s December everyday, he also says “Playdoh Teeth!” every day and everyday I respond “maybe for Christmas!” and he is starting to say himself “Playdoh teeth! Maybe for Christmas!” which cracks me up. This is playdoh teeth in case you haven’t seen it:

I would totally play with that.
Both boys had good days at school today! Yes! Adrian stayed home yesterday. A little tummy upset but nobody else has had it and I’m hoping it stays that way. We just got better and I don’t want to have all that around here again. Adrian made good use of his time yesterday, he drew pictures all day long. He used up all the construction paper but he entertained himself!