Fashion Magazine

Play Date with Pizza.

By Teaantoast @teaantoastblog
Pizza, pretty easy to make right? Well yes but no! 

The last time I made pizza from scratch was when I was in year 7 or something at school - so a VERY long time ago. Mark and I decided seeming as we're big pizza lovers (who isn't?) today would be the day we'd have a go at doing our own. I know it all seems a little self explanatory but if anyone was going to get it wrong, it'd be us! We was a little unsure on how to make it as the pizza bases we had didn't have any cooking instructions on so we had to wing that one a little...We started by putting a small amount of tomato purée on the base and then used half a tin of chopped tomatoes on top between the two bases. Then we Mark went a little crazy with the toppings. His looked more like a mountain than a pizza!!! 

Mark's pizza the one above, had mountains of grated cheese, BBQ sauce, bacon pieces, spring onions, chopped tomatoes, pepperoni, sliced mushrooms, half an onion chopped up and heaps more cheese!

And then mine pictured below, had chopped tomatoes, grated cheese, half an onion chopped up, sliced mushrooms, spring onions and pepperoni.


I might of accidentally turned the oven up a little too high and the top started to brown up quicker than the pizza base! oops my bad!!
As I said we pretty much winged it, and I'm a strong believer in cooking being a trial and error sort of thing. I mean if you can't have fun with it then what's the point in cooking? (Y'know besides the big one being you'll die otherwise).
We did learn from this little cooking experience, we learnt not to use a whole onion between us, I learnt I might not be that keen on BBQ sauce, maybe use actual fresh tomatoes rather than the ones in a tin - too soggy and I learnt less is more. Mark's still a stubborn on that one, he likes his mountain!!

We're trying to cook things from scratch a bit more and learn a few things in the kitchen. I've always enjoyed cooking and from an early age helped my dad out in the kitchen but Mark is a little newby to this so we're educating ourselves from the beginning! He's already cracked the omelette (yes, I meant that pun!), Tuna pasta bake, Tomato pasta and he is the KING of fry ups!

With Love,

Sian (and Mark) xx

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