
Pizza Rolls

Posted on the 02 February 2014 by Rosvitha @RosvithaP

Pizza Rolls


I have made these sweet little creations even if they are tasting salty, I had to show them…proudly. Can say – little salty cakes

Always welcome for breakfast, dinner or a birthday snack or an every day snack …adorable mini pizzas. My son likes them a lot cause it’s a compact and tasteful snack. I’ll show you how to make pizza in a roll form and it still tastes the same.



Pizza Rolls
Ingredients for the dough

  • 1 envelope of the yeast
  • 1-1/2 cup of warm milk
  • 1 tbsp of sugar
  • 1 tsp of salt
  • 1/2 cup of vegetable oil
  • 4 cups of flour


Pizza Rolls


Method to make a dough

Put the yeast into the bowl, add sugar, 1/2 cup of warm milk and some flour. Stir it and leave it for 5 minutes for yeast to dissolve. Pour in the rest of the milk, add salt and more flour. Mix until the ingredients have combined and add the oil last. Leave dough for at least an hour in a warm place to double.


Pizza Rolls
Roll the dough out on a surface to form a flat square shape and cover it with pizza stuff.

  • sour cream
  • ketchup
  • salami
  • oregano
  • cheese
  • and/or whatever you like


Pizza Rolls


Roll in the dough to form a cylinder and cut in equal pieces. Arrange the pieces in a pan covered with baking paper a put it in the oven on 400F degrees. Pizza Rolls are baked when they get a nice color.


Pizza Rolls


I have to mention, the one little secret I have learned from my mom. When the rolls are done, take them out of the oven, water them slightly with kitchen brush and put them in the oven for a minute more. That is the moment when they get a nice color and shine.



Pizza Rolls
Pizza Rolls

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