7.5 (that's right) Pirouette, 5, rue Mondetour in the 1st,, closed Sundays, (Metro: Etienne Marcel) has officially been open for 6 days and is in the most unlikely place for a good resto - smack North of Les Halles, in a totally redone space previously occupied by the Maghrébine tea salon Jetkiss aka Jektis aka Jekiss, oh who cares?

Lunch (but of course) is 15 E for the two specials (today salmon and the like) and 36 E for the menu-carte of three dishes. Go for it!

For three courses (5E supplement for the divine langoustines), a half-bottle of wine and a coffee, the bill comes in at 52 E.
Go? No, don't go, run.
*What do I mean by "The (unexpected) exception that proves the rule?" Some folks on Chowhound recently refered to some of the restaurants some of us go to as "off the beaten track." Well, here, in Tourist Ground Zero, like with Montmartre's Clocher de Montmartre, one has a gem hidden in among the awful eateries, tattoo shops and tchochkes. It was such a totally unexpected experience I assumed it was because (1) I was "outed," (2) it was a "on" not a "normal" or "off" day, (3) it was the first week phenomenon, (4) it was the perfect Paris day, (5) it was so unexpected, (6) it was in such a dreadful spot, (7) I'd been brainwashed while I was sleeping, (8) I felt so refreshed after sleeping, (9) I have been blessed with a wonderful wife and family, and/or (10) I was suffering from temporary insanity/psychosis/mania/dementia or delerium.