Skirt from Mango

Top is Thrifted $2

Shoes from DAS

Hi Everyone!
Happy New year! As promised, here is my first 2013 outfit post, I know it has been 2 months since my last one. I sort of given myself a break from social networking, but I am back by popular demand and will try my best to update this blog at least once a week.
My holidays was such a blast and received some wonderful presents my loved ones. Here are some of the stuff I got:

- A kitchen Aid mixer, I have been wanting this for years, because I do bake my own bread, cakes, and pastries for at least once a week and having this stand mixer is a dream come true for a wanna-be chef like myself.
- A Giuseppe Zanotti Shoe, I know this was so last season but who cares as long as it looks good on my feet it’ll do! ^_^ , I think this is the highest pair I own so I have to practice walking around the house with these shoes before I take them to for a spin.
How was your holidays? What are your new years resolutions?
I have about 10 on my list, and slowly working on attaining them.
Anyway I hope you guys liked my post, until the next one.