Current Magazine

Pig In China Born With Two Heads – Doesn’t Nature Know 2007 Was “The Year Of The Pig” On The Chinese Calendar?

By Nottheworstnews @NotTheWorstNews

ABC News reports that a pig in China was recently born with two heads.

3 Things We Might Expect Pig Head #1 To Say To Pig Head #2

1. “No, we’re not going shopping for bunk beds at IKEA. First, bunk beds are suboptimal to prevent insomnia given our shared neck situation. Second, haven’t you been reading the news? They found pork in IKEA elk lasagna in Europe! And yes, that does sound like a recipe for disaster on so many levels!”

2. “This is not the future that the Iranian scientist predicted using his time machine for China! You don’t understand that current events reference either? You really need to check out Google News China or something. That’s not a thing? Oh.”

3. “You know what they say, two heads are better than one, unless they’re pork heads in your elk lasagna, and you don’t eat pork! What? You only speak Mandarin? I knew something was lost in translation!”

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