Fashion Magazine

Pick of The Day: Burton Formal Pointed Shoes

By Twynkleloves @TwynkleLoves

So we're nearing the day to commercially exploit love, otherwise known as Valentines day and I've been searching for gifts for X. I came across Burton's site and had a gander and my oh my, was I impressed. Their style selections have just the right balance of style, swag and sophistication. I'm loving their footwear options and thought I'd give you some gift ideas for your (hopefully but questionably, they are men after all) better half. These Formal Pointed Shoes are great grabs, not only are they wallet-welcoming, they suit a majority of personal styles and have a great shape that flatters the feet of the (possibly) larger sex. There are more options of this style, hence why I couldn't just pick one, and they have many more designs and variety to suit your taste (here). I'd love to share with you what I eventually Burton-bought for the guy but Valentines day isn't here yet. Enjoy! TL. Xx
Pick of The Day: Burton Formal Pointed Shoes
1. Patent Black Formal Pointed Shoes (here)2. Black Formal Pointed Shoes (here)3. Brown Formal Pointed Shoes (here)

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