Entertainment Magazine

Pick List : Movies From the Second Half of 2017

Posted on the 02 January 2018 by Radzkid

Welcome to The Pick List. This is the place where i write about the list of my favorite movies according to a certain theme. This time the theme is “Movies From The Second Half of 2017”. Listed below may not contain critically best movies, because i pick them according to my personal taste.

The movies below are those which aired in cinemas in Indonesia, i do not listed the movie that is not aired in Indonesia or the movie that i have not watch.

So far, the second half of 2017 is better than the first six months. It’s quite hard to choose my favorite movies from this time interval because there are a lot of good movies. So, here are my 3 favorite movies, check them out.

Dunkirk (by Christopher Nolan)



Dunkirk is a radical experiment with mathematical calculation from Nolan. The movie tells a story about a miraculous operation of saving 300 thousand British soldiers from the city of  Dunkerque, the operation is also called Operation Dynamo or The Miracle of Dunkirk.

Dunkirk is different from other epic war action movies. The movie doesn’t tell the story about respect, nationalism, meeting, secret agent, honor, or dignity. It is simply just a hope to come back home.

The Battleship Island (by Ryu Seung Wan)

Battleship Island

The Battleship Island

The Battleship Island is a sympathetic blockbuster war movie. The movie is about the effort of Koreans when escaping Hashima Island (also called as Battleship Island) during Japanese colonization.

The movie is an example of modern blockbuster that is capable of playing with emotions. It is not showing any preach about freedom, nationalism, or unity. It is just how a historical movie about colonization should be.

Thor : Ragnarok (by Taika Waititi)

Pick List : Movies From the Second Half of 2017

Thor : Ragnarok

The third installment from the God of Thunder is a very exciting movie. Ragnarok a.k.a The Apocalypse of Asgard is taking place two years after the battle of Sokovia, Thor (Chris Hemsworth) with Loki (Tom Hiddleston) together fight against Hela (Cate Blanchett) who wants to take control over Asgard.

Thor : Ragnarok is a hilarious film with impressive action. Despite the high-dose of comedy injection, the action scenes are not toned down and overlapped. The movie is a fun colorful adventure that revitalize the franchise, it is different taste of Thor but still the same old Marvel movie.

Putu Radar Bahurekso
t : @puturadar | ig : putu.radar

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