Why Yasuhiro Ishimoto ? This is one of my favorite photo by Yasuhiro Ishimoto. I like this image very much because it is very theatrical and at the same time it makes me think of the fairy tales I used to read when I was a child. Because it is exactly the kind of scene I would imagine while thinking about witches. Words and images are one in my mind, so when I read these fairy tales without pictures, my head would be full of images as if I were doing my own movie.What I’m seeing. About this picture, I like the perspective chosenb by Ishimoto. He was at the right place at the right moment: when the child with the witch mask turned his/her head and watched his camera. Not only he did capture this child really well but he also succeeded in turning this picture into something really magical by integrating the other children in the background in the scene. And just because of his choice of perspective I find this Halloween picture very special. In France we don’t celebrate Halloween (eventhough lastly it seems so..) but we do have carnival during which people also disguise themselves. When I think about carnival I especially refer to Shrove Tuesday which was originally a religious celebration where the world were supposed to be upside down. People who were poor became rich and rich became poor just during this day. And sometimes you could find the type of mask that the child on the first plan is wearing on some people.The picture doesn’t enable us to know where it was taken and I like this fact, just like that you can concentrate on the scene and create your own story or fairy tale if you prefer. For your information : I learnt later that this picture was actually taken in Chicago during Halloween but even fully aware of this fact, this picture stays the same in my eyes : magical.
Happy Halloween to all of you ! And if you have a similar celebration in the place you are living just let me know ! I am curious to know your traditions too !