Lifestyle Magazine

Phil, Clare and Their Cavapoo Puppy Alfie — a Vintage UK Wedding at Hintlesham Hall in Suffolk

By Claire

Mix­ing the best of vin­tage ele­gance with more mod­ern ele­ments, Clare describes their wed­ding style as being “all about lace, soft pink colour­ings, roses, hearts and crys­tals. Every­thing encap­tured one or more of these details.

Suffolk UK wedding blog Kerry Diamond (2)
UK wedding at Hintlesham Hall in Suffolk')">

The images are by wed­ding pho­tog­ra­pher Kerry Dia­mond, who got a glow­ing review from the bride and groom! I hope you enjoy today’s wed­ding blog. Con­grat­u­la­tions to Clare and Phil, and huge thanks for shar­ing and send­ing me such a fan­tas­tic wed­ding report. You two are gor­geous and utterly amaz­ing! And thank you too Kerry for the sub­mis­sion. Every­one — enjoy! Claire xx

Suffolk UK wedding blog Kerry Diamond (3)
UK wedding at Hintlesham Hall in Suffolk')">
Suffolk UK wedding blog Kerry Diamond (4)
UK wedding at Hintlesham Hall in Suffolk')">

Suffolk UK wedding blog Kerry Diamond (5)
UK wedding at Hintlesham Hall in Suffolk')">

Suffolk UK wedding blog Kerry Diamond (6)
UK wedding at Hintlesham Hall in Suffolk')">

Suffolk UK wedding blog Kerry Diamond (7)
UK wedding at Hintlesham Hall in Suffolk')">

Suffolk UK wedding blog Kerry Diamond (8)
UK wedding at Hintlesham Hall in Suffolk')">

Suffolk UK wedding blog Kerry Diamond (9)
UK wedding at Hintlesham Hall in Suffolk')">

Suffolk UK wedding blog Kerry Diamond (10)
UK wedding at Hintlesham Hall in Suffolk')">

Suffolk UK wedding blog Kerry Diamond (11)
UK wedding at Hintlesham Hall in Suffolk')">

Suffolk UK wedding blog Kerry Diamond (12)
UK wedding at Hintlesham Hall in Suffolk')">

Suffolk UK wedding blog Kerry Diamond (13)
UK wedding at Hintlesham Hall in Suffolk')">

Suffolk UK wedding blog Kerry Diamond (14)
UK wedding at Hintlesham Hall in Suffolk')">

UK Wed­ding venue: Hintle­sham Hall, Ipswich
Wed­ding pho­tog­ra­pher: Kerry Dia­mond

Kerry Dia­mond was just fan­tas­tic. A very reas­sur­ing and becalm­ing lady who helped me enor­mously with with my nerves – her expe­ri­ence and reas­sur­ance was invalu­able. Her pres­ence through­out the wed­ding was extremely dis­crete, unob­tru­sive and cour­te­ous but able to pro­vide direc­tion with pro­fes­sion­al­ism, cou­pled with a keen sense of humor that was totally in-step with the occa­sion. She cap­tured the day beau­ti­fully with a style of her own – we can­not rec­om­mend Kerry highly enough. A true high­light of the day.

A lit­tle about the wed­ding ceremony:

The Salon Room at Hintle­sham Hall pro­vided the per­fect set­ting for a civil cer­e­mony in keep­ing with our theme. The cer­e­mony vow choices were a mix­ture of tra­di­tional on my side and more mod­ern on Phil’s.

We had a harpist play­ing music as the guests arrived, which added to a relaxed feel­ing among fam­ily and friends and pro­vided the romance as the Bride walks in to which I asked Xenia to play the tra­di­tional wed­ding march. For the sign­ing of the reg­is­ter she played mod­ern pieces includ­ing on my request as a huge fan ‘I should be so lucky’ by Kylie to which the girls also loved and spoke to me after about!! For the walk out again we had the tra­di­tional wed­ding march as Man and Wife.

Which read­ings did you choose?

  • On your Wed­ding Day read by Kirstie McDon­ald aged 9
  • We’re so lucky to have found each other, Nancy Bril­lant; read by the Bride’s brother
  • A Mar­riage, Mark Twain; read by the Groom’s brother

Tell us a lit­tle about your wed­ding venue styling and details:

The mag­nif­i­cent 16th Cen­tury Coun­try House that is Hintle­sham Hall pro­vided the idyl­lic and lav­ish cer­e­mony room in keep­ing with the vin­tage theme.

The can­de­labras for each wed­ding break­fast table added the can­dlelit feel of older times, which just seemed so roman­tic. The drap­ing crys­tals from each arm gave a mod­ern twist to this fea­ture and the small flo­ral designs were match­ing to bridal bou­quet of amne­sia roses.

Instead of name place cards I per­son­ally made each guest a wine charm using alpha­bet beads spelling their name and added a soft pink bead either side with a droplet swarovski crys­tal in the shape of a heart and soft pink in color as the cen­tre feature.

I also made mosaic coast­ers as the wed­ding favour along­side the charm. Again these fea­tured soft pink tiles, pink grout and a heart tile as the cen­tre feature.

Suffolk UK wedding blog Kerry Diamond (15)
UK wedding at Hintlesham Hall in Suffolk')">
Suffolk UK wedding blog Kerry Diamond (16)
UK wedding at Hintlesham Hall in Suffolk')">

Suffolk UK wedding blog Kerry Diamond (17)
UK wedding at Hintlesham Hall in Suffolk')">

Suffolk UK wedding blog Kerry Diamond (18)
UK wedding at Hintlesham Hall in Suffolk')">

Suffolk UK wedding blog Kerry Diamond (19)
UK wedding at Hintlesham Hall in Suffolk')">

Suffolk UK wedding blog Kerry Diamond (20)
UK wedding at Hintlesham Hall in Suffolk')">

Suffolk UK wedding blog Kerry Diamond (21)
UK wedding at Hintlesham Hall in Suffolk')">

Suffolk UK wedding blog Kerry Diamond (22)
UK wedding at Hintlesham Hall in Suffolk')">

Suffolk UK wedding blog Kerry Diamond (23)
UK wedding at Hintlesham Hall in Suffolk')">

Invi­ta­tions and recep­tion stationery:

The Save the Date card was in fact a fridge mag­net to remind the guests each day! The groom was dressed in a top hat with tails and the bride wear­ing a vin­tage style dress.

The wed­ding invi­ta­tions were an entwined heart design and a diag­o­nal wal­let style, which con­tained three cards; an invi­ta­tion, a guest infor­ma­tion card and a post­card style reply card which came with an outer wal­let for all three cards to slot into. I added adhe­sive crys­tals gems to each heart of the invi­ta­tion to con­sider the finer details. Both these items were designed and pur­chased online at

The menu cards and table plan­ning were made by Hintle­sham Hall. I requested an order of the day on the left hand side of the menu cards to guide the guests as to evening enter­tain­ment, which included a ‘Fill-Me-In’ Poster to The Secrets of a Happy Mar­riage from and a DIY Photo Booth and Guest Book.

Again I added adhe­sive crys­tals gems to the table num­bers to con­sider the finer details of the theme.

Wed­ding music and entertainment:

The harpist added to the flow of the day just per­fectly and was happy to play a beau­ti­ful mix­ture of mod­ern pop, rock and clas­si­cal pieces that pleased all guests. She had never been asked to play Kylie before and also learnt ‘La La La’ — the girls loved this one too!
The evening enter­tain­ment was pro­vided by Ginge Simon Disco to which he loved Phil’s impres­sion of George Michael singing and danc­ing to ‘As’ – it was our sec­ond dance and got every­one on the dance floor to join in!!

What did you wear?

Clare wore a La Sposa Wed­ding Dress – Luna
Tiara by Richard Designs
Shoes by Dubet by Deben­hams
Under­wear by Auto­graph Marks and Spencer
My garter was hand-made bob­bin lace cre­ated by a fam­ily friend
My some­thing blue were small hair pins given to me as a gift from my Mum
I wanted my bou­quet to appear like a col­lec­tion of flow­ers picked that morn­ing loosely tied together with lace.

Phil chose his out­fit from Moss Hire; Caris­brooke – a blue morn­ing coat worn with match­ing stripe trousers, a soft pink waist­coat, cravet and match­ing hand­ker­chief. The rea­son why our wed­ding color scheme incor­po­rated pink was because that’s Phil’s favorite colour! He wore black patent shoes and a top hat.

Mem­o­rable wed­ding day moments:

  • The exchang­ing of your vows – we both man­aged to for­get our own names, not sure why but it added humor.
  • The con­fetti throw­ing moment was great as you get to feel the emo­tions of your guests min­utes after becom­ing man and wife.
  • The speeches as they are always full of emo­tions and you could feel the rec­i­p­ro­cated love from your guests.
  • The cut­ting of our beau­ti­ful cake, which was made by our fam­ily friend Lind­say Sadler (an ama­teur cake maker who cre­ates to pro­fes­sional stan­dards and hopes to turn this pas­sion into a busi­ness) which rep­re­sents your first act together as man and wife.
  • The wed­ding was per­son­alised even more so by being pho­tographed with our much loved cavapoo puppy Alfie. After the cer­e­mony for our life­time mem­o­ries when walk­ing through the grounds, Kerry demon­strated her skills by cap­tur­ing our lit­tle fam­ily in an unforced setting.

Wed­ding day advice:

Make sure you a have the week off work before the wed­ding, it can get stress­ful and things take longer than you think – even beauty appoint­ments, as every­one is inter­ested and have many ques­tions! These also come from fam­ily and friends too and you have things to do!!
The whole day really does fly by so quickly, you need to both stop and take it in together! I never really believed that advice but when it’s your wed­ding day it does!! I also allowed 4 hours to get ready along­side my Mum, my brides­maid and flower girl – again this time just flew by so quickly and I wasn’t really doing any­thing for myself – that just shows the speed of the day ahead!!
Pro­vide your guests with con­fetti to get the impor­tant con­fetti shot – that’s a must as the pho­tographs really cap­ture your emo­tions straight after the Cer­e­mony.
I would also strongly rec­om­mend a pho­tog­ra­pher for the full day, as you really want to see the whole day again!! This was one of our mis­takes.
Ask a fam­ily mem­ber to video the day if your bud­get doesn’t stretch or if you want to keep your day relaxed with famil­iar faces around you.
Cut costs on areas that aren’t so impor­tant to you to allow your bud­get to stretch fur­ther and always have a wed­ding plan­ner with a scrap­book sec­tion with cut­tings of pic­tures as this allows you to describe the look you are after to the sup­pli­ers and achieve what you really want.
The wed­ding plan­ner of your venue of choice should be as pas­sion­ate about mak­ing your day as mem­o­rable and per­son­alised as you do your­self. Pas­sion is infec­tious and gen­er­ates ideas and a good wed­ding plan­ner can turn a wed­ding con­cept into an unfor­get­table expe­ri­ence for you both and all your guests. Con­sider advice given as it is a con­sul­ta­tive process by both par­ties to ensure you both enjoy the ulti­mate day pos­si­ble for you!

Rec­om­mended wed­ding suppliers:

Hintle­sham Hall, Ipswich
Kerry Dia­mond pho­tog­ra­pher and see more of Clare and Phil’s wed­ding on Kerry’s blog post at

Callas Flo­ral Designs, Ipswich
The Suf­folk Bridal Com­pany, Ipswich
Alexan­der Sewing Rooms Spe­cial­ist Alter­ations to Bridal wear, Ipswich
Ele­gant Brides Bridal Hair,, Colch­ester
Ann Dick­son,, Ipswich
Xenia Horne, UK Harpists,
Ginge Simon’s Disco,

Suffolk UK wedding blog Kerry Diamond (24)
UK wedding at Hintlesham Hall in Suffolk')">
Suffolk UK wedding blog Kerry Diamond (25)
UK wedding at Hintlesham Hall in Suffolk')">

Suffolk UK wedding blog Kerry Diamond (26)
UK wedding at Hintlesham Hall in Suffolk')">

Suffolk UK wedding blog Kerry Diamond (27)
UK wedding at Hintlesham Hall in Suffolk')">

Suffolk UK wedding blog Kerry Diamond (28)
UK wedding at Hintlesham Hall in Suffolk')">

Suffolk UK wedding blog Kerry Diamond (29)
UK wedding at Hintlesham Hall in Suffolk')">

Suffolk UK wedding blog Kerry Diamond (30)
UK wedding at Hintlesham Hall in Suffolk')">

Suffolk UK wedding blog Kerry Diamond (31)
UK wedding at Hintlesham Hall in Suffolk')">

Suffolk UK wedding blog Kerry Diamond (32)
UK wedding at Hintlesham Hall in Suffolk')">

Suffolk UK wedding blog Kerry Diamond (33)
UK wedding at Hintlesham Hall in Suffolk')">

Suffolk UK wedding blog Kerry Diamond (34)
UK wedding at Hintlesham Hall in Suffolk')">

Suffolk UK wedding blog Kerry Diamond (35)
UK wedding at Hintlesham Hall in Suffolk')">

Suffolk UK wedding blog Kerry Diamond (36)
UK wedding at Hintlesham Hall in Suffolk')">

Suffolk UK wedding blog Kerry Diamond (37)
UK wedding at Hintlesham Hall in Suffolk')">

Suffolk UK wedding blog Kerry Diamond (38)
UK wedding at Hintlesham Hall in Suffolk')">

Suffolk UK wedding blog Kerry Diamond (39)
UK wedding at Hintlesham Hall in Suffolk')">

Suffolk UK wedding blog Kerry Diamond (40)
UK wedding at Hintlesham Hall in Suffolk')">

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