FACT: There is not enough reviews of Early Reader books on Book Social. SOLUTION: Read more Early Reader books, starting with PESTS.
PESTS – the blurb
“Stix is the size of an egg cup, can jump the width of a dog’s bottom, and LOVES cheese. That’s because Stix is a mouse. He probably lives behind your washing machine, but you wouldn’t know it, because his grandma taught him to always stay out of trouble and NEVER let the humans know he’s there. But now Stix has stumbled across PESTS – the Peewit Educatorium for Seriously Terrible Scoundrels – in the basement of his building, and along with a whole host of new pesty friends (and enemies), he’s about to rip up Grandma’s rule book and make a REAL pest of himself…”
A Mouse as a hero
This is the first time I have ever read a book where a mouse is the main character. It’s not just a mouse that we read about though. We meet rats, pigeons, cockroaches and even a few humans. Initially I was reminded of the Borrowers but with mice instead of small people. As you read on you realize this IS NOT the Borrowers, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing.
Stix lives with his grandma behind the washing machine alongside a family of mans (humans). Strict rules ‘never poop in places mans will see’ ensure the deadly Nuke-A-Pest are never called and they live a peaceful and happy life. Until disaster strikes and Stix is left adrift and he finds a world where a whole new set of rules apply.
A glow in the dark book
I was fortunate enough to have a proof of the book but even that was appealing to my daughter who promptly took the book off me and read it herself. I understand the published version is going to have a glow in the dark cover and a secret message along the edge of the book. COOL! Then there is the actual book itself, packed with lovely illustrations from Stamp. It has nice short chapters and even the font is pleasing. It all makes it very readable which is key for this audience.
A poo song
The content is also very appealing to Early Readers. There are lots of references to toilets and poo (I want to hear you sing the poo song!) which I’m sure kids will find hilarious. Stix is an immediately likeable mouse as is his new best friend Batz. There is also a pretty cool website to accompany the book with a test to enter, if you’re PEST enough!
A new series
PESTS is out in April and rumoured to be the first in a new series. With short chapters ‘just one more’ at bedtime is achievable and children themselves wont be overwhelmed at reading on their own. My 8 year old demolished it during week one of home schooling and she never finishes anything.
If you are looking for Early Reader suggestions check out our top vegan free suggestions here.