Mother Nature Network reports that Britain’s Advertising Standards Agency has received over 50 complaints for a “frightening” and “offensive” IKEA ad in which a couple decides to ditch their garden gnomes and the gnomes fight back, leading to the type of all-out chaos we would expect to see in the Purge. (if the Purge featured gnomes and no violence.)
You can watch the video by clicking here. We think it’s safe for work, but again, like anything, that depends where you work.
3 Places A Video Of Gnomes Fighting May Not Be Safe Viewing For Work
1. Fighting in the UFC Octagon. Not a good time to be watching videos on your iPhone. Even if your opponent is a garden gnome, as the video clearly shows fighting them can be quite the unexpected challenge.
2. At your job designing IKEA assembly instructions. Exploding gnomes inadvertently placed in the illustrations will not make it easier to assemble drawers. Also, this raises the important question: is there an IKEA assembly instruction pamphlet that teaches people how to assemble an IKEA instruction pamphlet? And so on, for infinity?
3. Inside a garden gnome. It’s probably safe for work, since the gnome cannot see what you are viewing, since after all, you are inside it. But if someone else is inspired to destroy the gnome because they do everything they see on TV, then it may be less safe. Use your own judgment. But remember, you’re judgment isn’t very good since you work inside a gnome!
15 More Days And This Blog Will Reach 365 Days Of Consecutive Comedy Entries! Will we make it to that goal? Was this harder to do than blog about cooking Julia Childs’ recipes for 365 consecutive days?* Stay Tuned.
*Spoiler alert, no, because we don’t know how to use recipes.