Lifestyle Magazine

Perfect Styling Tips by Online Jewellers

By Macrogers

Be it an important meeting with your client or a candle light dinner with your beloved or be it a casual hangout session with friends, occasions are numberless and we would like to be perfectly dressed for each event.

For every occasion there is an attire and for every attire to be complete there needs to be the right kind of jewelry. Be it earrings or necklaces or bracelets, accessories are a must to complete the look. These jewelleries tend to accentuates yours and your attires entire characteristics, irrespective of their size.

The best thing about jewelleries is they help in completing the look of the dress; keeping it elegant but a mismatch between the attire and the ornament can end up in a total disaster of your look. Thus you need to be very careful while picking the right jewelry for the right dress. You can either go for neutral precious metal jewelry or can opt for its fancier counterpart. But the best that goes with any attire, for any occasion is Diamond Jewelry.

You can pick high quality affordable diamond jewelry from New York jewelry stores. It offers you an array of items to select from like Diamond Pendants, Bracelets or even a dainty pair of Diamond Earrings.

Perfect Styling Tips by Online Jewellers

Here are a few tips to select the right jewelry to suit you perfectly.

Shape & Contour Matters

The major factor determining the right jewelry for you is the shape of your face and the jewelry. Always go for such shapes of the jewelry that complements your facial shape. Those with pointed chin should opt for round shaped accessories whereas those with round face should go for V-shaped ornaments to complement your facial features.

Match the Attire with the Jewelry

This is the most crucial factor. Either keep it simple with precious metal jewelry or can make it colourful with the help of gaudy ornaments. It is advisable to always keep the entire look simple for official meetings or any such events. For occasions such as weddings, you can afford to be more extravagant, but remember never to overdo. White metal color is best suited for any attire and occasion, but you can also go for delicate yellow gold jewelry to go with your dress.

Never Forget About Your Skintone

Yet another major determinant is your skintone. Depending on your complexion, you can decide whether the jewelry looks good on you or not. If you have white or pale skin tone, it’s advisable to wear yellow or pink gold jewelry to enhance your total appearance where as jewelry with black or greenish tint looks best on people with darker skin tone.

Fine jewelry selected is a lifetime investment monetarily as well as on the aesthetic front too. So always be careful and choose wisely, whether indulging in retail or online shopping for jewelry.

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