In Part 2 of this series, we discussed the different kinds of trekking shoes. Now, what excellent trekking shoes you have! No matter how rainy the season or how wet the terrain is, your feet feel dry as your fluffy pillow back at home.
Unfortunately, that would only happen if you’re living in a perfect world. Sooner or later, though, water will seep in through the nooks, cracks, crannies, stitches, and holes in your shoes. If you step on a stream or riverbed and the water is high enough to get through the shoes’ opening, then your little pinkies are definitely going to get wet.

But that’s not the only thing that can make your feet wet. Yes, your shoes may be fitted with a waterproof/breathable membrane or made out of full-grain or nuckbuck leather that repels water. Water can run down your trekking pants to the cuffs and right into the shoes’ openings. Also, if your socks get soaked, it pumps more water inside with every step. Finally, your feet can get hot and sweaty, and the sweat can soak up the inside.
In other words, there are no 100 percent waterproof shoes. But don’t let your spirit down though; occasionally having wet feet is really normal in trekking, and it happens to the best brands. What you would like to do though is to implement measures in making your feet as dry for as long as possible.
- A pair of wool socks nicely manages moisture. Additionally, you can give new-tech waterproof socks a try.
- Wet feet are more vulnerable to blisters. Thus, during breaks or rest stops, take off your shoes (and socks) to air-dry your feet.
- Before you turn in for the night, remove your shoes’ inserts to encourage faster drying within your boots. However, store the shoes inside your tent’s vestibule so they won’t gather moisture from the morning dew or from drizzles in the night.
- Wear sandals or flip-flops around camp so you can give your shoes a chance to dry out.