Entertainment Magazine

Paris 96 – “Afternoon”

Posted on the 13 February 2013 by Audiocred @audiocred

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After years of collaborations, releasing several tracks and even a mixtape together, Jesse Boykins III and Theophilus London have finally joined forces as a super group. They are Paris 96. They’ve written songs together in the past while they both were coming up, so London thought it would be a good idea for the pair to reconnect and create more music. I personally think it’s a tremendous idea. Paris 96 goes back to their signature  futuristic soul/hip-hop sound, as heard in “Cold Pillow” and “Humdrum Town” (off London’s 2009 Charming Mixtape). They aim to make some more “bedroom” music this year, with an upcoming EP due in April. Check out “Afternoon,” the first track from their new project.

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