Family Magazine

Parenting Experts Are Making Mums Feel Like Crap

By Therealsupermum @TheRealSupermum

rule book Parenting Experts Are Making Mums Feel Like Crap

Parenting Experts Are Making Mums Feel Crap

It’s rather sad to think that so many mums are feeling guilty and believing they are not doing what is best for their child after being bombarded with so many contradicting parenting advices.

Just what is the right way to raise a child?

We are told to do this and not to that and if we do that our child may suffer.

Is it any wonder so many mothers suffer from depression, when we have so many “so called parenting experts” dishing out rules after rules, only to change their minds some time later.

A study of 350 parents on the Parent Wellbeing website found that scrutiny and information overload was contributing to a lack of parenting confidence. Mixed messages on discipline, toilet training, childcare arrangements and childbirth methods increase parental worry about not making the “right” choice. Source.

I am a mother of six children, I write a popular parenting blog therefore I deem myself a parenting expert and here is my advice;

Let’s cut out the crap, parenting cannot be taught. We can look for advice and try it but trust me not everything works. Children are rather bizarre creatures and you will never find one the same.

I had one child who loved the thought of scraping out the contents of her dirty nappy and smearing it all over her face, while another of my children is OCD and cannot bear to have a speck of dust on his hands and will wash his hands vigorously.

As you can see one liked shit, the other liked water. No parenting book could prepare me for shit stained walls trust me.

I have most parenting books at home and have read many, some I laugh at and some I think OK I will give that a go. If it works then great but when it doesn’t your left feeling like crap because the book said it worked, therefore it must be your fault.

By all means try parenting tips, you may find that they do work for your child, just don’t expect them all too and never feel guilty if the books are rolling out rule and tips and you fail at them all. You’re not the one failing, the book is.

I share many parenting tips and techniques right here on the blog, because they have worked for me, they may just work for you, they may not. But I offer tried and tested and sometimes not recommend ways either, I do what works for me and my family, not what experts tell me too.

I think half these professional parenting gurus have never spent more than an hour in the company of a kid. Let’s face it, Supernanny is an expert yet has no children, she does not have that attachment that a mother does, it’s very easy to dish out advise in regards to other people’s children, but by hell is it hard to do this emotionally in your own home on your own kids.

Which mother can walk away and feel nothing when their child is breaking their heart sobbing…?

All in all I think the Parenting Gurus are the ones to blame for so many mothers feeling like crap!

You know your children better than anyone, so listen to your own advice first.

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