Hair & Beauty Magazine

Paper Boat Aam Panna Review

By Tmomw

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 Hi Everyone,

Summer is on full swing now here in north India at my native and we are waiting for rain to save us from the scorching heat. Heat stroke is very common during this time of year in north and we all need to drink aam panna to keep oneself safe from the stroke.

 Product Description:-

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 aam panna a taste of new beginnings; a taste of the end of summer, sellotape and scissors, notebooks with empty last pages and old pens with new shiny nibs. and withput a doubt, the best handwriting i will have all year.

Product Claim:-

No colors, no preservatives, no artificial flavors, basically none of that junk.


INR 30 for 250ml


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Nutritional Benefits:-

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   My opinion on the product:-

Same pouch type packaging which is easy to carry and store. You just need to shake and sip from the pouch itself. We used to drink aam panna during summer to save or cure our self from heat stroke. The summer is very vigorous in north and the hot breeze can make any one sick. Many people die as they don’t take precautions during this season. Aam panna is made from raw mangoes which the cure and prevention from heat stroke.

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 You can get the benefits of aam panna without any hassel. It taste just the same cooked raw mangoes pureed and mixed with water sugar and some spices which mainly contains cumin powder. It is also served as welcome drink chilled and with some ice cubes. Me and my husband has become a fan of aam panna from paper boat and reliving our childhood memories where our mother used to give this drink after lunch or coming back from school.

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 About Pouches:-

Paper Boat pouches are made of a four-part laminate. The two outer layers are a blend of proprietary polypropylene and polyethylene. This makes the pack withstand extremes in pressure and heat while at the same time being easy to print upon. This is the one time you can actually judge something by its cover.


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 The penultimate layer is made of bonded aluminum. This is to keep any form of moisture and vapor entering the pack and tampering the goodness of the drink inside. Of course this layer makes no contact with the drink. That’s the job of the inner (and final) layer. This layer is made of virgin, food-grade polypropylene which keeps the content fresh, safe and tasty(form its Website here).

 What I Liked:-

  • Good for digestion
  • Without preservatives
  • Made from raw mangoes
  • It is a little sweet which cuts the sourness of raw mango.
  • Has aftertaste of cumin which is good for keeping stomach cool.

 What I didn’t Liked:-


Will I repurchase and recommend:-

Yes, It is nice and popular beverage for summers.


4.75 /5

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