So is it true…there are rufflings in the water of the SEO world that there has been a February 2012 page rank update!!
This could be the case as it is almost exactly 3 months after the previous one so could this excitement be worthy of itself!?
What does page rank mean to 2012?
There are mutterings that page rank no longer means anything and some SEO extremists even went as far to suggest that page rank will be completely abolished in 2013 however, does this recent page rank tweak suggest otherwise?
Could Google reallllly go as far to completetly eradicate one of their founding metrics?
Well, lets wait and see shall we and if you think that this slight amendment in the world of page rank is the start of a bigger roll out of updates then let Kickstart know!
Ciao for now SEO’ers and good luck in the face of page rank updation
