Destinations Magazine

Oysters, Matisse, Cubism and the Renaissance

By Johntalbott

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The Oyster Bar at Grand Central remains one of the classic seafood places in the world with over a dozen kinds of oysters, fresh lobster, artic char, not-bad fries and oyster pan roasts which have been on the menu non-stop for 100 years. Three of us had all of the above with a bottle of crisp Anterra Pinot Grigio and coffee which came out to $145.35 before tip ($96.90 a couple).

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Two blockbuster shows in town at once - the Matisse cut-outs at the Moma and the Leonard Lauder Collection of Cubism at the Met - were surprisingly uncrowded and fabulously hung - real must-sees.

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Dinner was at the Renaissance in Westchester where Chef Jean Claude is cooking really good stuff in really awful surroundings - his grandmother's Chinon chicken was not something one expects in a cross between a sports-bar and a lizzard-lounge.  With wine, per couple the bill was $80 before tip.

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