I love Mexican food. I seriously do! I could basically eat Mexican 365 days a year. So what a better recipe to share with you than a Mexican inspired appetizer as the first recipe now when I have found my way back to the kitchen. I seem to have gotten bit lost there for a while and have not posted any recipes for what feels like an eternity. But I have come to my senses – there are just too many great recipes and it would be criminal (or foodicriminal) not to share them. So I am back in the kitchen playing with very, very simple recipes. I usually do like to keep all my cooking (or baking) simple and easy as that’s the way I roll… my cinnamon bun dough. Ok, I hear you – no moonlighting as a comedian for me…
Enough said. For the first ‘comeback’ recipe I made Oven-Baked Four Cheese Jalapeño Poppers, which is a great appetizer for barbecues as you can either make them in the oven or on the barbie. Try them with your Labour Day bbq (you guys in the US) or with the August Bank Holiday barbie here in the UK. Couple of Jalapeno Poppers with a cold beer and the last summer barbecue party is a sure success! Oh, I will miss the barbie season!!

Oven-Baked Four Cheese Jalapeño Poppers
Makes: 28 jalapeno poppers
Preparation time: 30 minutes
14 Green Chillies
200 gr (Philadelphia) Cream Cheese
1/4 cup (40 gr) Shredded Mature Cheddar
1/4 cup (45 gr) Grated Mozzarella Cheese
1/4 cup (70 gr) Soft Goat Cheese
1/8 cup (15 gr) Grated Pecorino Romano Cheese

Preheat the oven to 225 C (450 F). Wash and halve the chillies. Remove the seeds from the halved chillies. You can leave the stems on or remove them as well. In a small bowl mix the cheeses with the cream cheese. Mix well. Fill each chilli halve with 1 – 1 1/2 tps of the cheese filling. Place the filled chilli halves on a baking tray with the filling side upwards. Bake around 10 minutes or until the cheese is bubbly and browned. Take care not to over-bake, so that the cheese filling does not bubble over to the baking tray. Serve with sour cream.

Recipe adapted from Martha Stewart
Total Time: 30 minutes
Yield: 28 jalapeño poppers
- 14 Green Chillies
- 200 gr (Philadelphia) Cream Cheese
- 1/4 cup (40 gr) Shredded Mature Cheddar
- 1/4 cup (45 gr) Grated Mozzarella Cheese
- 1/4 cup (70 gr) Soft Goat Cheese
- 1/8 cup (15 gr) Grated Pecorino Romano Cheese
- Preheat the oven to 225 C (450 F).
- Wash and halve the chillies.
- Remove the seeds from the halved chillies. You can leave the stems on or remove them as well.
- In a small bowl mix the cheeses with the cream cheese. Mix well.
- Fill each chilli halve with 1 - 1 1/2 tps of the cheese filling.
- Place the filled chilli halves on a baking tray with the filling side upwards.
- Bake around 10 minutes or until the cheese is bubbly and browned. Take care not to over-bake, so that the cheese filling does not bubble over to the baking tray.
- Serve with sour cream.