Fashion Magazine

Outfit: Jean Jacket Layers

By Elunstroth @emgeorgia
outfit: jean jacket layers
outfit: jean jacket layers
outfit: jean jacket layers
outfit: jean jacket layers Jacket: Old Navy(similar) // Vest: Old Navy // Sweater: Gap (similar on sale) // Cords: Gap // Shirt: H&M // Boots: Steve Madden// Hat: Pinkyotto // Scarf: Gap // Sunnies: Karen Walker
I am getting sick of my winter coats, yes they are beautiful and I love them but I'm over them right now. This combo of vest+[not winter at all] jean jacket was surprisingly a lot warmer than I ever expected.The scarf and hat probably helped as well, I like this look of layering outerwear, it gives a lot of dimension. 
 I write for my schools newspaper a small tiny little fashion column. Today's column was pretty much a rant on how I hate when people do not tights with skirts/dresses when it is below 50 degrees outside. Like HELLO I get it the sun is out but its still winter here people!! Spring is on its way we can wait a few more weeks to show off our bare legs. So this is my PSA, wear tights. 
p.s super exciting new things coming to you super soon, keep your eyes open!!! 

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