I love outdoor urns in the winter months. They add so much to the front of your house in the cold and drab winter months in the Northern Lands.
Start with basic treetops that you can buy almost anywhere....I got mine at Home Depot in two different heights.

It doesn't matter what size or color of your urns. I have large black urns by my garage doors as they are a great contrast to the light tan house color.
On the front step I have a smaller white urn that is softer.

The #1 way to add interest to your Urns is to use differnt colors and textures of greenery.
Add some twigs and a birch bark branch. These basics in the urn will get you through until April when you are ready to plant flowers.

For the Holiday Season add some drama and pizazz. You can choose classic and formal or you can do what I did and add some whimsy.
Why not lime green with glitter!

Sparkly white and red for the Christmas touch.

The urns can bring a smile to your face. They are Happy Urns!

Add a touch of glam.....

Gold bejeweled twigs also pick up the sunlight....

Make your guests want to walk up and see what you have hidden.....

Do the unexpected.....

Have some fun with your Outdoor Urns this winter season and think 'outside' the box!

Shar Sitter, owner Rooms With Style Home Staging and Redesign Minneapolis MN.
CHSE and APSD Home Stager Pro Trainer