With only 4 days remaining in this year, this is a time I like to reflect on how I have improved on myself and what I can do to better myself in the new year to come. I have never been one for making New Years Resolutions, because I feel that most of us don’t stick to them anyway but I do set goals for myself and try to accomplish some of them. Every year should bring some form of change or personal growth within ourselves because much can happen during the course of a year. When the clock strikes midnight, it’s like we’ve been given another chance and a fresh start which gives me new possibilities.
So as I reflect on my year I’m very thankful for some of the experiences I have had whether good or bad and I also learned a few things about myself. I learned about expectations, I once read somewhere that one of the keys to being happy was to have no expectations and some part of me agrees with this but I found that I do expect to be treated the way I want to be treated whether by a friend or love interest. On the other hand, I do understand why not having expectations works because if you don’t expect anything, you simply can’t get hurt. On Decenber 31st, it will make 5 years of being single and yes that sounds kinda scary but part of those years was due to my inability to let anyone in. This year I learned that I am quite capable of loving someone again and that’s it’s OK to love. I would have rather taken a chance at love then to not take a chance at all and as a result of taking a chance, I also learned that time really does heal all wounds and I have no regrets.
If an opportunity presents itself go for it, I have truly learned to value life this year. Sooooo many people have died during 2011 that I know, it’s really downright scary. Some of my classmates and even my brothers 16 year old friend who went to bed one night and didn’t wake up. Tomorrow is not promised to any of us so live life to the fullest and be who you are. Seize every opportunity offered to you, travel to any destinantion you want to go, live your life instead of just existing. Don’t waste time on people who are not headed in your same direction and stop putting things off for the future because it is definitely uncertain. Being good to others is a reward in itself, I learned that over this passed week because honestly, I was starting to believe the nice people finish last quote. I’m learning that people don’t respond to niceness, but they do respond to crazy.
For New Years this year, I don’t have any plans, no fantastic parties, no weekend get away, and nothing for me to get fabulously decked out for. When the clock strikes midnight I will simply pray that my health, happiness, sanity, and strength carries me through 2012 and that my life continues to be enriched with love. I will continue to love myself more and continue to remember that the possibilities are endless. The only person who can stand in my way is ME. Do what you love, live life with passion, and take chances, how would you know what lies ahead if you never even try!
Much Love in New Year to Come!
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