Since recently participating in Kickstarter project, I was shocked at all the creative projects people attempt to get funded on their own (ie: without large publishers or big names). And later on, I came across Indiegogo which is pretty much the same as Kickstarter in terms of independent funding. So I decided to hunt down something that LGBT-related and really interesting and came across this: Out and Around: Stories From a Not-So-Straight Journey.
According to their site it’s: “A collection of our conversations with gay people around the world who are creating change for the LGBT community.” VERY awesome, and it looks like it’s been fully funded as well. Here’s the video from their Indiegogo campaign:
Out and Around: Our journey from Jenni and Lisa on Vimeo.
Jenni and Lisa also have a ton of ways for you to keep in touch with them. Their website at Out and Around, their Twitter, Youtube AND Facebook page. This is a really fantastic project because it’s often times difficult to know what the LGBT community is doing in other parts of the world. As Americans, the perspective can be quite limited so watching as a couple attempts to meet “Supergays” – potential role models for the LGBT community – it can help bring a more global and fresh perspective.
And, as listed at the bottom of their campaign: We are also looking for LGBTQ connections in the countries we are visiting, so please email us at [email protected] if you know anyone who you think it’d be helpful for us to meet in Asia, Africa and S. America. So if you’re abroad, or know anyone, feel free to e-mail them!