It seems that this New Zealand Crack pot by the name of Graeme Stephen Tucker has gone from being delusional to outright mentally insane. It just seems like he’s attacking anyone who is bona fide, medically diagnosed intersex/DSD. It’s not enough that he attacks anyone who claims that Klinefelter’s syndrome is Intersex, but attacks anyone who claims to have an Intersex condition. It seems that he spends way too much time attacking people online than having a LIFE outside of the computer. It seems he claims to have all this time for work and family, but judging by how many endless videos he makes. Clearly shows how he truly spends his life, harassing, stalking, bullying and intimidating people. Even making endless boring videos attacking people for being born intersex and being born with an Intersex condition.
In his latest tirade, he attacks Hida Viloria because she is Intersex. Graeme has a history of attacking Intersex people on Youtube and make endless youtube videos attacking, stalking and harassing them for their opinions and views. He seems to project his failed Manhood online and tries to project to people that he is Male, but in Reality, he is a failed male and doesn’t know how to act like a Normal MAN. By attacking people such as Hida Viloria, he clearly shows his lack of intelligence and clearly selective reading of science literature to suit his mental delusions. He attacks Hida Viloria because she is Intersex and helping Intersex people. He went after her with endless boring Youtube and Vimeo videos attacking her Intersex condition and her intersex status. Graeme clearly has serious mental issues in regard to his self-esteem and his mental health. By making endless videos, clearly shows, that Graeme lacks the Adult Maturity, Adult thinking and Adult common sense. On top of that seriously lacks the education to understand science, genetics and Biology. Which is why he never went to college and clearly shows in his selective reading of science journals.
One thing with Graeme, is that he is one of those crackpots who believe that Klinefelter’s syndrome and Kallmann’s syndrome are not Intersex. He uses junk and disproven science to attack people and bully people. He tries so hard to get people to believe his delusions and his warped thinking. He tries so hard to try to tell people who have XXY or Klinefelter’s syndrome have something else or one of his made up delusions. It’s why no one ever believes what he says or buys into his delusions. It”s why no one features him in documentaries because of his history of attacking, bullying, stalking and intimidating people online.It’s why no one wants to feature him because of his history of attacking Intersex people online. Which is why Graeme has a very, nasty history of attacking people online and making life very hard for ACTUAL born Intersex person to exist and survive.
The thing about the crazy Kiwi called Graeme is that he attacks anyone Intersex expert and activist from AIC right down to Intersex activist such as Hida Viloria to Kailana down to Gavan Coleman. He clearly has a hatred for Intersex people and a serious hatred for anyone who says they are Intersex or diagnosed as Intersex. It’s why people who come online to look up information on Intersex and Disorders of Sexual development often encounter Graeme because he tries to push his misinformation and his delusional thinking down people’s faces. When people disagree with him, he has a nasty history of lashing out at people by making endless Youtube, Vimeo videos and post nasty blog post about those who disagree with him.
I think it’s because Graeme has a very hard time in accepting disagreements and not learning to accept other people’s views or opinions. He tends to want everything evolved around him and tries so hard to push his fragile views. It’s why he has a problem with being Male because he doesn’t know how to be male and be accepting of disagreements. It’s why you see Graeme acting childish because are not accepting his fragile ideology and as a result attacks anyone who disagrees with him. That’s why Graeme continues to be very delusional because he’s trying to project his failed manhood on to people and try to project to people that he’s all Male. In reality, when someone projects something on to people, they clearly have something to hide and I believe Graeme has something to hide by projecting his so-called Manhood on to people.