Oregan Know Quarantine Burn: sunburns up 400% in summer of 2020. Tina Calabrese, a darker skinned woman of Italian heritage never had sunburn in her life. Following 3 months of quarantine, she was excited to leave housebound confinement for the first time and relax and recover on a Jersey shore beach. The next day, her face became red, swollen, and hot to the touch with small fluid filled blisters.
Worried about the potential for facial scarring she went to see her dermatologist who diagnosed her with Quarantine sunburn. In addition to cool soaks and oral ibuprofen he recommended Oregan Know healing ointment containing a patented extract from the Oregano leaf. The burn was gone in 24 hours.
As a result of Quarantine in 2020, people simply missed normal spring outdoor activity. In any other year, our skin gradually adjusts to the sun. With repeated short bursts of ultraviolet light, our skin gradually changes from pasty winter pale to a conditioned, protective darker color. This occurs imperceptivity in all skin color types from the whitest most sunburned-prone skin to the darkest usually sunburn resistant skin.
According to Sandy Milgraum, MD, Associate Clinical Professor of Dermatology at the Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, “it’s as if people are going from the dead of the winter out into the strongest summer sun in a time machine.”
This year beachgoers assume it is summer and they can tolerate their customary amount of strong midday sun right off the bat with minimal sunscreen. “They are not aware the skin needs to acclimatize or gradually protect itself in the spring for stronger ultraviolet light in the summer.” “Most people are not aware of this protective mechanism.

Oregan Know Quarantine Burn: sunburns up 400% in summer of 2020
They intuitively know the amount of strong summer sun they tolerate in a normal year, apply no sun block or their usual lower SPF sunscreen, and go directly from lockdown to the beach. They call our office the day after the beach with the worst blistering sunburns of their lives.”
Milgraum continued, “this year I am even seeing sunburns in darker skin types. All skin types darken in the spring. This is evolutionary preparation and protection in the spring for stronger summer rays. People are going cold turkey with sun exposure.”
OreganKnow contains a water soluble, non-allergenic extract of the oregano plant discovered by Dr Daphna Frenkel, PhD a Doctor of Plant Biology and a world-renowned expert on natural products. Laboratory tests confirmed this extract to be an extremely powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory.
Oregan Know Quarantine Burn: sunburns up 400% in summer of 2020
Milgraum explained, “over the years vacationers learned that when they fly south in the winter for some warmer tropical sun they need to immediately use adequate sun screen to go from winter cold to powerful tropical sunscreen. Their skin did not have time to adjust. With the unprecedented pandemic in 2020, many sun seekers are caught off guard and end up with Quarantine burn.”