Food & Drink Magazine

Operation Kohlrabi

By Chocolateandoranges

My mission, which I chose to accept...
I signed up for a Groupon deal awhile back for a sort of CSA type of service (except it's a commercial company) which delivers organic produce to your door.  Actually I signed up for three different deals across Groupon and Living Social since there are a number of companies providing this service locally and I thought it would be fun to check them out and see if it was something I was interested in long term.  It's kind of expensive relative to going to the grocery store but with the Groupon it was a decent deal.
Anyway, yesterday was my first delivery.  This particular service didn't make it super easy to customize your box so I just stuck with the default options.  I got a lot of things I eat regularly (apples, bananas, grapefruit, squash) and one thing I don't - kohlrabi.  Kohlrabi is a cabbage-like root vegetable and I don't think I'd ever even seen one before so I wasn't sure what to do with it.  The description I read said it could be used similar to potato and squash so I decided to try a curry with some simmer sauce I'd boughten awhile back and had been looking for a chance to use.
operation kohlrabi
I just kind of threw a bunch of stuff in my new french oven - a peeled and diced kohlrabi, a bag of frozen mixed veggies (cauliflower, brocolli, carrots), a can of tomatoes, a can of chickpeas, and my bottle of simmer sauce.  
operation kohlrabi
Then I waited..... but in the meantime I was starving so I ate a salad.  I also got romaine in my veggie box so I had that today.  Frankly I missed my usual spinach.  Greens like spinach and kale are SO much better in salads, why does anyone eat lettuce?
operation kohlrabi
The longer I waited for the kohlrabi to soften the more suspicious I was getting that this whole thing was going to be a huge failure.  But after 45 long and hungry minutes of simmering, I finally deemed things properly cooked.  And the verdict?  Delicious.  Honestly, I was kind of amazed since this sort of non-structured throw everything in a pot cooking doesn't usually work out so well for me. :)  I'm pretty sure my success was largely due to the simmer sauce.  I suspect anything cooked in it would be good.  But at any rate operation kohlrabi was a success!
operation kohlrabi

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