Fashion Magazine

One Direction!

By Bethtinkerbell @TinksLostGirls


Hello folksies,

If you follow me on Twitter then you will know that I went to see One Direction last night! *cue fangirling squeals* The tickets were a Christmas present from my mom for me and my sister to go, we both love 1D and it’s often our music of choice in the car.

I’ll share my outfit with you first and then I’ll share a few 1D pics, so this is your warning that it’s going to be picture heavy.




Top – Cult of Cali
Skirt – Dorothy Perkins
Red Nose – Sainsbury’s

I love this top, it’s great for flashing a bit of skin while still being acceptable, plus it’s still cold outside, I don’t want to be freezing! I picked the skirt up just before Christmas and I find it a wee struggle to find things to put with it because it’s quite a dressy skirt and it’s also quite short meaning it often isn’t appropriate to be worn.

I’ll also introduce you to my baby sister Smegs!


Top – Boy London
Jeans – I don’t know (I’ll come back to you on that one, possibly)
Shoes – Vans

My sister spoilt herself and bought a 1D t-shirt, however she was nice enough to buy a children’s top so that I could pick up a wrist band!


We got ourselves early and seated, so there were plenty of photos taken on my phone, but they are yet to have Smegs’ approval for public releases. Neither of us were impressed with the first support act Camryn, the girls next to us also didn’t like her, I just found that I couldn’t understand what the words were she was singing. She did a cover of Kelly Clarkson’s Stronger but even that wasn’t great, though we did get up and dance.

However, we fell in love with the second support act 5 Seconds of Summer, there can’t be a single girl there who wasn’t with us and I imagine there were many boys who joined us in our love! The first thing I did after their set was over was find them on Twitter and start following them.


Smegs has love for Calum that bass player, while my love definitely goes to Ash the drummer, I may have listened to Heartbreak Girl on repeat this afternoon.

You’re about to get pretty much all the good pictures from my Facebook album, so for those of you which i’m friends with, here is the condensed version!

As you’ll be able to see we did have pretty ace seats, there was a small stage towards the back of the arena which we were sat by so it was amazing when they came out to it!







The obligatory shot of Naill’s bum which would have got me killed if we came home without!


We had a fabulous night, and I do wish I could go back tonight, though I’m not so sure Smegs would. Smegs is now suffering from a very croaky voice from all her screaming last night!

Tink x

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