So, yesterday I and my Boo went to Marina Beach. We plan to jogging in the early morning and see a sunrise. ♥ If you don't know about Marina Beach, Marina Beach was located at North Semarang City. To enter Marina Beach, you need to pay 3.500,- Idr per person. It takes around 30 minutes from my house.
But, when we arrived at Marina Beach, there are some unexpected thing, the Beach is still on under construction.. -_-So we canceled jogging, and decided to see sunrise and taking some photos..
So enjoy my picture Spam ^^

See the sky! Soooo~~~ pretty , isn't it ? ;)♥♥

The sun is rising !

The sun is hiding on the tree branches

My Boo ♥♥

Dunno what I'm thinking about.. lol

My Sleepy Face :D

The Water System

The Tiger Statue

Looks like I was on forest :pbtw, my hair looks so horrible here :|

There are many food seller there

My BOO and his second girlfriend :p

Fisherman and their boat
If you visit Semarang, make sure you visit Marina Beach.. There are many beautiful scenery there :)You can also rent a boat to round the beach..
I have so much fun on my one day vacation :D ♥♥Thank you for reading ^^
Hope you enjoy my post ~
xoxo ♥