Hair & Beauty Magazine

One Day Vacation :: Marina Beach Semarang

By Rossyana @chiswequenn
Hello guyss.. Sorry for been MIA lately.. I'm so busy for seeking a job.. Attend many job fair. haha.. Hope I can find my dream job soon >.<
So, yesterday I and my Boo went to Marina Beach. We plan to jogging in the early morning and see a sunrise.  If you don't know about Marina Beach, Marina Beach was located at North Semarang City. To enter Marina Beach, you need to pay 3.500,- Idr per person. It takes around 30 minutes from my house.
But, when we arrived at Marina Beach, there are some unexpected thing, the Beach is still on under construction.. -_-So we canceled jogging, and decided to see sunrise and taking some photos..
So enjoy my picture Spam ^^
sunrise,beach,marina beach semarang,
sunrise,beach,marina beach semarang,
See the sky! Soooo~~~ pretty , isn't it ? ;)
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The sun is rising !
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The sun is hiding on the tree branches
sunrise,beach,marina beach semarang,,boo, bamz simsons, bambang cahyo sugiarto
My Boo 
sunrise,beach,marina beach semarang,,girl,rossyana dewi octayani,piedev
Dunno what I'm thinking about.. lol
sunrise,beach,marina beach semarang,,girl,rossyana dewi octayani,piedev
My Sleepy Face :D
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The Water System
sunrise,beach,marina beach semarang,,tiger statue
The Tiger Statue
sunrise,beach,marina beach semarang,,piedev
Looks like I was on forest :pbtw, my hair looks so horrible here :|
sunrise,beach,marina beach semarang,,rossyana Dewi Octayani,piedev
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There are many food seller there
sunrise,beach,marina beach semarang,,bamz simsons,boo,bambang cahyo sugiarto,riders,motorcycle,vixion
My BOO and his second girlfriend :p
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Fisherman and their boat

If you visit Semarang, make sure you visit Marina Beach.. There are many beautiful scenery there :)You can also rent a boat to round the beach..
I have so much fun on my one day vacation :D Thank you for reading ^^
Hope you enjoy my post ~
One Day Vacation :: Marina Beach Semarang

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