Don Beasley of Multi-Tech Productions, Inc.
Book trailers are an amazing tool to get your novels noticed. They’re a great way to get your audience revved up and ready to read your creations.
And here’s a tidbit – they’re not that hard to make. Yes, there are elaborate book trailers out there complete with moving graphics, stunning music beds, and vivid graphics. But you really don’t have to have all that to create your own to gain attention for your novel.
If you have a basic photo editing program, you most likely have a basic movie option available. If not, check online for a basic version of a movie editing program. Some are free, some are not. It’s up to you.
Text , photos, and movie bits are good. But the same words and pictures over and over are not. By simply changing out your photos, video clips, and wording you’re already on your way to creating a decent book trailer.
Looking for video clips instead of just photos? Not a problem. Your digital camera can be your best friend. Get out and begin shooting some stock footage of things that depict your book. It’s best if you can use a tripod, or something solid to set your camera on while shooting the footage. There’s nothing more nauseating than a creek that’s bobbin up and down and tilting sideways.
Need some stock photos you can use for free? Check out JLB Creatives Flickr page for a wide variety of photos you are free to download and use on your book trailers, websites, blogs, and more. Here’s where you’ll find them: JLB Creatives on Flickr All of the photos were taken by me and/or my wife Author Janet Beasley. We’ve separated the photos into categories for easy searching.
If your photo editing software includes some different fades from scene to scene use them tastefully. Don’t get carried away trying to use numerous fade styles. Unlike repeating words and pictures, fades (or wipes) can become annoying if you over use an abundance of styles.
Does your software allow you to add sound? If so, add some great music. You don’t have to pay huge royalty fees to get good background music. Search the web for free downloads and explore possibilities you might not even have known were at your fingertips.
If you are going to “star” in your book trailer than be sure you are well lit, the audio is intelligible, and any background noises (dogs, cats, kids, etc.) are nil.
And if you are simply overwhelmed at the thought of creating your own book trailer, good news…you can hire it done. There are a multitude of companies available who create book trailers for authors. Again, use the web as your tool to search and discover the one that best suits your needs.
A book trailer is cool because it’s kind of backwards from many people’s thinking; Watch the movie THEN read the book.
Don’t be afraid to start promoting your book trailer before your book comes out. Book trailers are awesome tools to build excitement and generate interest in your upcoming release.
If you’d like to see what we have created, here’s a link to YouTube to one of our very own book trailers we produced and edited:
To add more excitement regarding your novel, move out of the visual and into the audio realm. That’s right – bring your books to life by creating audio versions. OK, so you don’t have a publisher who specializes in creating audio books, or you have no idea where to begin. Never fear…where there’s a will, there’s a way.
Check out or These are prime online radio sites that allow you to upload audio recordings, be it music or reading. Though they do offer the option of doing a live online radio broadcast, you don’t have to. You can record and set up scheduled programs. The best part? It’s free (with limitations). But, if you’re willing to put your book in audio form chapter by chapter, these sites or other like them may just be for you. They do offer paid subscriptions with tons of great features, so be sure and do your research to find what’s best for you.
You’ll want to make certain you have a good microphone. Yes, the ones on your laptops, iPads, and other devices are microphones, but an external microphone – corded – will be your best bet. An external microphone will produce a rich, thick, intelligible sound.
Other things to consider? Eliminate background noise, read slow, speak every word clearly, read with enthusiasm when it’s going good and scary when it’s going not so good, and give each character a different voice (not drastic, but enough to hear a separation).
The possibilities are limitless. Use your creativity and don’t be afraid to ask questions. Technology can be overwhelming and intimidating if you let it…so don’t let it.
Liz, it was great to be here. Thanks so much for the opportunity to share on your blog.
Multi-Tech Productions, Inc. is an audio visual company dedicated to serving churches, schools, restaurants, and theaters with their sound, light, and multi-media needs. For more information on Don and MTP visit http://www.LiveEventsAndProdcutions.blogspot.comJLB Creatives is a division of Mutli-Tech Productions, Inc. and serves within the literary portions of the business. You’ll find JLB Creatives at
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